Gettig treatment for CPTSD so I could stop the trauma cycle. It is hard work, but so worth it.
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Preparing myself for having my own child and deeply comprehend how much abuse I had endured and how fucked up it is to do that to anyone, but especially your own kid. Then educate myself and stay in therapy (repeat as necessary) so I could deliver my absolute best to my kid. It really dawned on me how much of my childhood was pure survival and getting rid of some of those coping mechanisms has been very hard.
The first time I met the dad of the woman I would eventually marry was when I flew out to have Christmas with them. He was a big-shot lawyer, and I was a little scared of the guy. Not gonna lie.
I thought I gotta bring him a gift. But what? I had very little money, having just graduated. What could I get lawyer dad that wouldn’t seem tacky? I went to a book shop and got around to the true crime section. He’s a lawyer right? Maybe he likes true crime? So I read a few back covers and found one that looked sort of interesting. It was about a murder on a college campus, but looked like the investigation had lots of twists and turns with a big trial at the end? Would he like it?
Anyway, I meet him and give him the book and he sort of tosses it aside and grills me, as expected. I kind of shrank in the chair, but my to-be-wife and her siblings said I did okay.
Now fast-forward several weeks. I’m back home and get an email from her dad. Oh boy! What did I do? But he’s like, “I just finished the book. It was set at the college where I got my law degree. I even knew one of the profs who’s a character in it! How did you know?!?” I didn’t. “It was so nostalgic. The author mentioned landmarks, some of which aren’t even around anymore. But I remember. That was the best book I’ve read in years! I couldn’t put it down!”
We were all good after that.
A teacher once publicly screamed at me that I was a liar at the beginning of the year. However at the end of the year the class nominated me student/classmate of the year and teacher was forced to publicly revere me when she had to defend the vote against the other teachers and their nominees.
Sometimes success is the best revenge
Unintentionally playing the housing market.
Using some first time home buyer incentives about a decade ago, I was able to buy a house on my own. I had to pay mortgage insurance, but it still wasn’t too bad. Cheaper than renting a two bedroom apartment. Five or six years later, my city keeps popping up on Most Affordable Cities lists and the real estate turns into a feeding frenzy.
When the market was at its peak, I listed my house for sale for about 70% more than I paid for it. I had an offer for it at 10k over asking and they’d buy the house sight-unseen within three days of it hitting the market.
Now, this was clearly a buyer’s market so you’d think selling was easy but buying would be a nightmare right? Well, you’d be right and it took 10 months of living with my parents and a shit ton of getting outbid on houses, but I was able to get into a slightly bigger house by putting half of the value down at closing for a house that was brand new, on a bigger lot of land and closer to my family, and I was able to pay off my car loan, resulting in lower monthly payments overall for a house much better suited to my lifestyle. Since moving in two years ago, it’s already appreciated another 15%, not that I’m moving out any time soon!
crypto or crypto algorithms.
“nobody needs to work to make crypto work”
however bitcoin will need to die for it to be a perfectly flawless practice. and it will generally never teach/encourage altruistic values or inspire productivity.
bitcoin will slowly lose ground over time… but perhaps never die. if btc died , suddenly, it would be bloody.Would you kindly get fucked, preferably by a giant fucking cock?
Can’t stand cryptobullshit in legitimate conversations.