Also pretty sure liberals already look at the one on the left with hate and demand they stop protesting immediately, but the ones on the right they are all “now hold on guys, I may not agree with them, but they have a right to protest!”
Yup. Communism is explicitly singled out and criminalized. It’s just not enforced right now. But lots of people want to enforce it and I imagine it will be albeit with a stupider redefining of communism.
But nazism? Neo confederates? KKK? Proud Boys? They’re just exercising their rights.
Project Liberal lol.
It’s nissing a comma.
“Project, liberal.”
I had a substitute for white class today, he was a real hardass and assigned extra homework
“Everyone, don’t forget to make 12 gallons of mayonnaise by next week. And Mister Johnson, I swear if you try to make a fool out of this class with your ‘wasabi mayo’ again so help me I will send you straight to the dean!”
New race just dropped.
Why is it always people with doge pfps?
because you need to be a toddler to find doge funny
Hey, that’s not fair to toddlers. Most of them are only fascists when they haven’t had a snack or nap!
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Look at this poodle!
CW: white person
I was not prepared for that warning
White KKKla$$
Abolish the whiteoursie class and adopt a dictatorship of the POCleteriat
is this Third Worldism?
No, this is Global Southism…
Can someone create a wojak but his head is the shape of a burguer please? It would be useful in situations like this
Get this to the emoji mint
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Eagleburger is a real American name by the way
Read his personal life section lol
no fucking way
He had three sons, all of whom are named Lawrence Eagleburger
He had three sons, all of whom are named Lawrence Eagleburger, though they have different middle names (Scott, Andrew and Jason).[28] When discussing his decision to give his three children the same first name, Eagleburger stated “It was ego,” adding “and secondly, I wanted to screw up the Social Security system.”
Like what the fuck
I hope this dipshit got upset when he learned that Social Security uses Social Security Numbers
“That’s it! Next kids aren’t even getting names!”
L1, L2, and L3 Eagleburger
I already knew who eagleburger was, but this changes everything wtf
It definitely fucked me up when I was reading the big Kissinger biography by Seymour Hersh and I kept running into warmongers with names like Morton and Eagleburger
Best we can do is
Can’t stop to talk shop, I’m late for white class!
Hold on a minute. Maybe they are right? The “white class” is an infinitely mutable class. Containing only those who are part of the imperial “in group”, and excluding all others. For example, the Irish are considered white now but haven’t always been. I think some Arab (brown people in white-speak) folks are considered white nowadays too.
So if the “white class” is abolished, so too is the moral superiority complex of the west. Then we can go back to the good ol’ days or whatever.
I, for example, would be part of the translucent skin northerners in this Brave New World, instead of white in the current iteration of society.
The problem is that fundamentally misunderstands what a class is. Whiteness is a socially constructed tool used to protect and uphold the bourgeois in the imperial core and economically dominate those considered non-white, but it isn’t a class in and of itself because it does not imply anything about economic production and ownership thereof or labour and its surplus.
Elimination of the bourgeois would eliminate whiteness as a social construct because the bourgeois’ economic domination would end and the need to delineate white from non-white would also end, so your instincts here are right, they just needed a little nuancing.
Race may be a tool of the bourgoisie, but, now created, can certainly survive the death of capitalism as its own sort of zombie. Defeating capitalism is necessary step in defeating racism, but it’s not the only step.
Prejudice and privilege have existed before capitalism, and race is just another vector for the realization of these two things. As long as people recognize race, there will be those that use it to exalt or diminish a people.
Yes and no. As Marx argued, racism is a tool that divides the working class. Overcoming racism is essential in order to defeat capitalism. As Marx said of the English working class’s views of the Irish:
Hence it is the task of the International everywhere to put the conflict between England and Ireland in the foreground, and everywhere to side openly with Ireland. It is the special task of the Central Council in London to make the English workers realise that for them the national emancipation of Ireland is not a question of abstract justice or humanitarian sentiment but the first condition of their own social emancipation.
To quote Robert Knox and Ashok Kumar’s recent introduction to an issue of Historical Materialism:
Marx essentially bequeathed three points to later Marxists’ thinking about race. The first was that race and racism are deeply connected to capitalism’s spread internationally. The second was that racism is bound up with internal competition within the working class, and serves – both as a conscious project of the ruling class and directly via the labour movement – to undermine the basis for a revolutionary movement. The third was that Marx did not assign race or racism an independent causational force: it was clear that Marx did not think people were enslaved, exploited or dispossessed because of their racialisation, but rather owing to definite social conditions. The latter also points us to a significant limitation of Marx’s reflections: whilst Marx’s analysis did not ascribe any particular causational power to race, he nonetheless took for granted the existence of racial categories. As such, ‘race’ as a category was not subjected to the same historical and materialist analysis that both Marx and Engels would deploy in relation to other phenomena, and it was this task that later thinkers in the Marxist tradition sought to undertake.
But you are right that, of course, racism will also still exist after any revolution and will have to be at the forefront of the proletarian’s mind.
For those interested, Knox and Kumar’s article is an easy read and really helpful here: Robert Knox and Ashok Kumar. “Reexamining Race and Capitalism in the Marxist Tradition – Editorial Introduction”, Historical Materialism 31 (2023): 25-48. The two special issues of Historical Materialism are here and here. Some articles are open access, but you can always email the author if you want the article.
“Project Liberal”
something something rational wing of fascism yada yada doo im so tired
It’s the user name that checked out. Lol.
Fash looking at anti racists:
Is this anti-white racism?