What is everyone’s preferred hub? I find my myself always going to Kyovashad. It just seems more lively to me for some reason and feels “lived in.” So what is everyone’s go to? This a random post but I’m also trying to help drive some content and engagement here on Lemmy!
Cerrigar. Vendors are all super close. Only far node is the stash, which I only use to bank my 23rd Vasily’s Helm.
I’m a Cerrigar guy. Gives me more Diablo 2 first level vibes
Ked Bardu because I like the sunlight and warm setting. Distances between shops feels more or less the same than Kyovashad.
Kyovashad has a nice music though, but I don’t like the depressing winter ambiance and there are too many religious peoples around the cathedral.
Wherever Town Portal takes me.
I’m a Kyovachad myself but I really wish they would’ve put certain things closer to the center. As a certified hoarder I need my stash and bs close to the portal and each other.
Same with Kyovashad. Feels like the city I know best and with the least amount of running around to reach vendors. Not sure if it is accurate or, but I do feel that way.
I usually make the effort to pull up the map and click on Cerrigar rather than quick port. All the vendors are on a more or less straight line and outside so you can mount, and I only have to remember one layout. Obol vendor is close at hand which isn’t always the case elsewhere. Downside is stash is a bit further off and inside, but that’s the main con I’ve found.
I usually go to Kyovashad, especially if I need to go to multiple vendors since they’re close together. The only time I visit the other towns is to quickly dump inventory after a dungeon or event. That poor rings vendor in Zarbinzet is probably sick of constantly buying my junk items.
Tree of whispers is the best but needs an extra port which is a real shame :)
Yup this is my go-to for quick inventory dump offs when running helltide’s or dungeon’s. Blacksmith, vendor, stash all next to each other. In and out on under 30s.
I go to Cerrigar when I need to craft, since the relevant crafting vendors are close by. Main drawback is the stash being so far away. That’s not usually a big hinderence since I do all the prep work (finding good crafting candidates, grabbing appropriate aspects, and gems) in tree of whisperers.
Wherever town portal takes me. I seem to end up in Gea Kul and Zabinzet a lot.
Still playing through the campaign but Ked Bardu probably. Desert settings are always my favorite, and I wasn’t quite taken with Kyovashad and (Act II’s hub).
Kyovashad. I know where everything is , it has everything you need and I don’t think it’s too hard to get around.
It’s funny , I booted up D3 adventure mode for a few min to see the differences after a while with D3. The home base there was always Tristram and it’s laughable how plain and simple and lonely it is compared to even the smallest city in D4.
Kyovashad for sure. That music slaps
Honestly, I just TP from the current dungeon I’m in. Pretty familiar with them all by now. The extra 5-10seconds to run to certain vendors or stash just really doesn’t matter that much, imo.
Easily Kyovashad for me too.
Kyovoshad, don’t need to look at mini map to find the vendors. Plus while I usually dislike seeing other players in what I consider a single player game, The other players make it seem busier, which feels normal for a big city.