Noob. I once accidentally seeded to a ratio of 435 and blew 2TB of data 🥴
if you snatch a popular torrent that is fine but with dying torrents that is quite harmful
I’m considering getting a seedbox because with my current storage setup, and my unwillingness to keep the vpn up all the time 2.0 is the best I can do.
Meanwhile me who just never deletes anything:
Thank you for your service.
Some people including OP are completely missing the point of torrenting, which is to share, not leech. If everyone removed their torrents like the OP, everything would quickly become unavailable and die.
IMO a better strategy is to just limit your global upload speed. Then at least you’re still making everything healthy and available, even if its distributed slowly.
Nice iso collection
Clearly a distro-hopper, my hero.
Why limit seeding unless you’re on a metered connection?
Because I have limited space.
Seeding doesn’t take up space, as long as it’s on your disk you should seed it.
Seeding doesn’t take up more space, unless you were planning to delete the thing, which doesn’t make much sense.
Why delete the torrent? The point of torrenting is to use the file.
I use the *arrs to make a well named hard link to the file in my media library right after the download completes. Then they can be removed from the torrent client after appropriate seeding time/ratio.
What should i keep the iso i had to extract the setup files from around?
To help others download the file. Its the point of torrenting, to share.