This is open to indie too–there’s a lot more great indie work out there than people talk about.

I think for me, I’ve really loved Gideon the Ninth. It’s such a FUN book, and I think it’s the first science fiction book I’ve encountered that’s also fantasy but also set in “our future”.

(Star Wars doesn’t count. It’s in a galaxy far, far away after all.)

The two sequels are great too. The most recent one, Nona the Ninth, kinda put to rest my fears that the author couldn’t write a gentler, kinder viewpoint or world. (The first two books are kinda grimdark in some ways. Like–everything’s shit then we all die, then our corpses get raised from the dead and used in necromancer fights. Nona shows us a more hopeful world.)

    2 years ago

    The first 3 books are some of my favorite books of all time. However, I barely made it through the 4th book and book 5 just looked like a chore.

    If I didn’t like 4, is it worth picking up 5 or is it just more of the same?

      2 years ago

      Iron Gold is different with it’s multiple perspectives of new characters, and I think that’s what makes it difficult to get through. Dark Age takes the multiple perspectives idea and actually makes it work, but spending more time with Darrow and more familiar names as well. Dark Age is gritty, compelling, and a great example of everything I love about the Red Rising series. It’s one of my favorite books period. Just behind Morning Star in my Red Rising book tier list.