You cannot make a civil war movie and it not be political the British guy who thought California and Texas would ever be allies needs to get fired. IF HE HAD ANY BRAVERY HE WOULD HAVE MADE THE PRESIDENT TRUMP!
You cannot make a civil war movie and it not be political the British guy who thought California and Texas would ever be allies needs to get fired. IF HE HAD ANY BRAVERY HE WOULD HAVE MADE THE PRESIDENT TRUMP!
Texas and California together?!
Oh, great. for the first time I bet it’ll be horseshoe theory shown nationwide visually and graphically. There’s no way there are liberal extremist militias.
My big problem with these post-apocalypse civil war scenarios is they still try and shoehorn in ideology when that’s likely to play very little part in that scenario especially. For example, these maps always split Utah and Nevada because “Mormons” and “Sin City”… but those two states are tied together in a lot of material ways (economy, interstate migration, etc) and would be much more likely to work together, since the Rockies really are almost like a small ocean.
So in theory, could CA and TX align? Yeah, maybe? But I don’t see any sort of material base for that assumption.
Nevada, Arizona, and Utah are also red desert states that rely on the Colorado river. They’d likely unite to fight California and New Mexico in order to invade Colorado to secure their treats and lawns.
Thats when California activates all its transplants we’ve been sending to all the lesser states and take them all from within.
Nevada is essentially an extension of SoCal at this point
Lmao I never thought of that. The idea that the Californian exodus is actually some Illegals Program is pretty fucking funny
Why do you think we sent our most annoying Californians?
What role would Mexico and Canada play. Would Puerto Rico attempt independence from Florida? What would Cuba do?
Cuba preemptively nukes Miami
The PLA finally strikes from the Canadian border following a multi-year build up
Puerto Rico nukes Miami a second time
This entire premise is false because plenty of Mormons are hypocrites like most right wing Christians in
Or Utah/Nevada would have an internal conflict and one of the two ideological forces would prevail over the other and coerce the other to adopt its customs while continuing to utilize the material, economic connection.
I’m fighting for Sin City.
Also, there are a lot of Mormons in Nevada. They’re about 6% of the population!
[looks around]
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