In the interest of fairness, it’s not like Biden would even try to get an SC appointment through.
He’d try to appoint somebody from the heritage foundation and get blocked anyway then give up
Biden would deliberately stall the appointment and use it to blackmail people into voting for him
He’d nominate some absolute monster in the name of ‘compromise’ so that conservatives will let him give more guns to Ukraine
At this point does it matter. Real talk. The court is a fiction and it’s just a few libs that still think they live in a country with 3 branches of government
It’s 3 corporations in a trenchcoat
7-2 majority incoming lmao
The more obvious it is too people that feckless liberal politeness is never going to work, the more open they’re going to be to other and more effective forms of political action.
The supreme court stole an election within living memory. It has spent decades undermining everyone’s fundamental rights. Half the judges have no right to be there. The supreme court is not going to lose its legitimacy by being a bit more skewed.
toot toot all aboard the Amtrak acela-erationist train
Blue jean baby
The way he puts up his hands before starting the eulogy still gets me to this day
Holy fuck I didn’t realize she was so old
The republicans once again in their bid to be pure evil appointed correctly-aged people to the “infinite Nazism” court.
I know Sotomayor got there during Obama. I remember it happening. She’s still too old even back then! Put up a 35-40 year old! Not trying to do generational politics, although for sure boomers and X broadly suck shit, but this is just pragmatic “keep yourself in power” politics. You don’t appoint someone in their 50s when most people should be retiring around 60-65 (despite retirement being a myth for people, but that’s a different topic).
69 is young for this gerontocracy.
The fact this is true, and it is, should be a massive indictment on the US and any legitimacy of the government.
I know I said no generational politics, but I mostly mean that like “young doesn’t mean good.” But if we’re all being super honest… old does mean bad with the US population and also UK and EU generally. They’re more actively racist as in more “I want separate bathrooms” type racist. They’re 100% in the bag for anything that might help them and 1000% “kill them all now!” for anything that might benefit anyone else, even if they already benefited from it (like Medicare, social security, Medicaid, college being free until like the 1980s, credit scores becoming a thing, etc.).
That’s cause boomers can’t share.
I really thought this would say: therefore, she’s stepping down.
But I don’t know why I would expect any sense from libs. They all want to die in office.
Their arrogance knows no limits. Some of them even have enough chutzpah to think that they get to decide how their health is and when they die and not the grim reaper.
Ninja edit
I’ll leave this here. I either missed (or entirely forgot) her May 2020 comment plus she died only four fucking months later. Classic lib delusion.
In 1999, Ginsburg was diagnosed with colon cancer, the first of her five bouts with cancer. […] By May 2020, Ginsburg was once again receiving treatment for a recurrence of cancer. She reiterated her position that she “would remain a member of the Court as long as I can do the job full steam”, adding that she remained fully able to do so. […] Ginsburg died from complications of pancreatic cancer on September 18, 2020, at age 87.
Just ridiculous. Multiple rounds of cancer aside, which is rightfully alarming, she was fucking 87. 87! Anyone is at Death’s door at that age.
My most beloved grandmother was extremely healthy and in good condition when she was 87, we expected her to at least get to her 90’s given how healthy she was, and then suddenly and unexpectedly developed something and died within a few months. Luckily she wasn’t head of the Judicial system in the imperial core when this happened, but she was old and that is just part of life. My grandma never had cancer or anything serious, fortunately, but to be that old and literally have multiple bouts of cancer and to know the political and legal ramifications of your potential death and just deny reality like that? It’s unbelievable that libs still defend her. Similar issues with Feinstein and now Biden. If this were a Greek tragedy, their arrogance would seal their doom.
Pelosi will be 84 next month and she’s running for reelection. Will she become Feinstein 2.0? The dems simply do not give a fuck.
100% its to “force” people to vote. Oh no we can’t have Trump get another appointment, you better vote!
there is an endless diarrhea stream of articles like this spewing out.
it’s only going to ramp up in both intensity and frequency and i want to crawl down into a deep limestone cave and live like gollum until after November
but then i might miss something funny happening and i reconsider
Medically this makes zero sense for her age unless it’s for a relative or spouse, or as a flex.
Paramedics are nice to have around, but really only dramatically better than an attentive bystander with a cell phone for sudden cardiac death and selected cases of massive physical trauma, she can afford an internal pacemaker defibrillator for one and I don’t know why she would be worried about the other.
Given libs being libs I almost want to bet this is the laziest form of nepotism and the paramedic is her nephew or something getting federal overtime.
The gerontocracy is particularly insulting as the life span for younger Americans continues to drop for what, the fifth or sixth year in a row? It’s now 62 where I live. This is some real dark crystal bullshit, can’t wait for Biden to call us all gelflings during the state of the union.
Soniakanda Forever
If it happens I hope it happens live on air again
Most jokerfied timeline: she resigns next month, McConnell refuses to allow appointments in an election year and Manchin joins him, Biden campaigns on the appointment, fails, Trump appoints Barron to ensure the court stays 7-2 for the next 40 years
Trump appoints Barron
“You know what I call him? I got a nickname for him. Big Justice. He’s actually more tall than big not like the guys with the muscles. So tall! But ‘Tall Justice’ sounds bad. So he’s Big Justice. Strong and poweful. My son Big Justice. My son - so loyal. Right? I shouldda done this before.”
Eric and Junior couldn’t be at Barron’s swearing in because of “previous engagements”. In reality they are each at home crying because everybody now knows who’s daddy’s favorite son is.
She’ll hold on long enough for Trump’s inauguration then immediately croak
You see we have to keep appointing high risk candidates so we can always play chicken with the electorate on supreme court.
Well you’re only going to make it worse for yourselves if you don’t