Starcraft II player: misclicks 8 times in under a second, resigns 0.2 seconds later
Does Lichess check for this? I definitely get an aborted game more often when I am white. I also notice my ELO went up after I actually locked down strategies for black. Yeah it’s only like a 0.5% advantage for the masters, but if you play a lot of games, aborting everytime you are black is a helpful strategy.🤷
Apparently it’s more like a 5% advantage for us normies.
Yes it does. If you avoid games too much you get a ban I think
aborting everytime you are black
Ugh I got told that at my level you should never resign because all of us make such stupid mistakes there’s still a chance of a win.
Hard to actually do though when you’re down 10+ points and huddled miserably in a corner.
Here’s another reason you should never resign: endgames are crazy hard, and not resigning is the only chance you’ll ever get to practice them.
@duncesplayed thanks that’s a really good point!
I just somehow won an endgame after losing both my castles, thought of this convo.
I once won a game back that was +63 from analysis, to M1.
Just so your best to keep a rook on the board, and walk your king over slyly to the king.
White supremacy
I prefer black. Remember that the saying goes: “White begins, black wins.” (I have no idea if this saying also exists in English but it does rime just as well as in German („Weiß beginnt, Schwarz gewinnt.”))
I don’t agree and don’t think the data agrees.
Two thoughts: white can more easily set the speed of the game, as well as not have to adapt to their choices (which black must do)
Almost certainly for elo play and stuff where people learned all the first 10+ moves of all the viable opening strategies.
But as a casual player (ok, I was chess club in Jr high if that counts for anything) I always chose to play as black and have always won at least 90% of all my games played. I’d be confused as hell if I played as white, at this point.
I know but still prefer black
I’ve always heard it as “It’s whites game to lose”.
Never resigning because maybe the 1200 that you’re playing against might make a mistake and give you a dub