It sounds simple, but look at Fascism. Their ideological framing of the enemy as both everywhere and all powerful, but also week and feeble, makes them incapable of assessing what’s really happening.
Or that bit where it says - If you’re surrounded, with no way out, you must fight? The liberals are begging anyone to save them from having to fight. They’re up against a wall with no where to go except through the enemy, and they’re preying to a senile, evil old man to save them.
It all sounds simple on the page, but then you look at how people actually behave.
The only thing I’d say about that is it seems like it’s working out just fine for the fascists but like you said in your second point that wouldn’t be possible if the libs opposing them didn’t think that actually opposing them was a moral failure.
“You’ll do better if you know the capabilities of your army and the enemy’s army before a fight.”
the endless stream of emojis will never cease to make me laugh lmao.
More and more people are saying this
It sounds simple, but look at Fascism. Their ideological framing of the enemy as both everywhere and all powerful, but also week and feeble, makes them incapable of assessing what’s really happening.
Or that bit where it says - If you’re surrounded, with no way out, you must fight? The liberals are begging anyone to save them from having to fight. They’re up against a wall with no where to go except through the enemy, and they’re preying to a senile, evil old man to save them.
It all sounds simple on the page, but then you look at how people actually behave.
The only thing I’d say about that is it seems like it’s working out just fine for the fascists but like you said in your second point that wouldn’t be possible if the libs opposing them didn’t think that actually opposing them was a moral failure.
Hitler lost WW2.