Crazy that hogs just shell out a collective 200k this quickly for a man that considers most of them to be peasant slobs.
I’d love it if this happened at a Trump rally…
“I hate you.”
He waits. The crowd is silent.
“I mean - I really hate you.”
There’s muttering in the crowd.
“I really, really hate you.”
The muttering starts to get louder.
“I really, really hate you.”
A chant is starting to develop “Trump!”
“I really, really hate you.”
The chanting is getting louder. And some people are saying “I love Trump!”
“I really, really hate you.”
The crowd now sounds like a sports crowd cheering on its winning sportsball team.
Slowly “I do. I really do. I really, really hate you. All of you.”
The crowd is now screaming with quasi-religious fervor.
Trump turns this way and that like a peacock Mussolini.
I’m pretty sure they hate themselves to begin with
You could raise funds to actually make the world a better place…
but they choose this instead lmao
It’s amazing that people will pretend to have a bootstraps meritocracy mindset, but then bend over and give some business ghoul who has failed a dozen times free money.
Why? Because he’s an “entrepreneur”? because he’s a celebrity?
Capitalism is a joke
As a devout Christian I will pay penitence from this Sunday, Feb 18, 2024 through Easter, and promote Trump for president!
Help him raise funds to pay for the “injustice” millions of Americans feel on his behalf, promoting his GoFundme, and help all assist the economy by buying Trump sneakers (even though they are probably made in China).
The Lord will spare me and my family from the apocalypse because He will recognize me as helping everyone, even those that wish harm against my family, by seeing us as “Mexicans”, even though we have nothing to do with Mexico, not even the language we originally spoke before coming legally to this country.
I will offer to wash the sweetest feet, laden with fungi and athlete foot, that come out of those plastic golden boots, which represent the supreme 47th president of the great majority of electors! (That’s the truth in an alternate reality) 99% of Americans voted more than twice to clean the swamp and raise a border wall once and for all.
The great sneakers represent what is best in America and our superiority in fashion, marketing, style, fund raising and brilliance. All traits Trump exudes and will bring in to every household, because he speaks the truth. No wonder God allowed him to build the biggest social network called the Truth Social.
Donate to Trump now and enjoy salvation at the day of judgement!
The Go Fund Me was started by Elena Cardone, wife of real estate investor Grant Cardone. Grant Cardone has been the subject of lawsuits for misleading investors and is a Scientologist.
Worth noting that the interest on Trump’s penalty is more than $100k per day.
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Every dollar spent is the hegemony exclaiming aloud that it must maintain itself.
Imagine giving money to a literal billionaire to pay legal fees. Jesus what the fuck is wrong with these people.
they don’t believe in class. they believe god sends certain leaders to save the people from satan. or something like that.
Those fools, don’t they know that something like Fundly would be better for their grift? That way they still keep the money when they don’t reach the target.
Imagine if they actually raise it
Baby steps