That’s it folks. RIF has stopped working.
Reddit is no longer fun.
RIF was my Reddit app of choice for like 10 years, will miss it for sure :(
Same. RIF was great. Such a perfect app! RIP RIF
Yeah I had premium for so long I don’t remember buying it. It sucks to see but remember fuck u/spez.
I had premium too. It was well worth it for such a great app.
I’m unsure what the glitch is, but I got something weird. I’m also getting the unable to load message on RiF, so I was getting ready to delete the app. As a sentimental moment to say goodbye, I clicked to log out. Then bam - pages start loading? I can browse Reddit but can’t interact. Is this just some cached glitch?
Even up to the last day I really thought Reddit would see the light. Oh well. I’ll miss how perfect the design of RIF was.
Welcome. It’s gonna take everyone’s effort to make KBIN fun. Upload content daily, and interact with other people’s content that you have something to say about. It’s gonna take effort from all of us.
We need to quickly move past Reddit. We cannot be consumed by it or we will repel newcomers. This needs to become it’s own special place with it’s own character. It’ll take time. Be patient.
Reddit is the big news right now. It is unrealistic to expect people to just forget it and ignore it. Same thing happened with the initial Digg migration to Reddit all those years ago. Once Reddit stops being news because it failed or things went back to normal, then we’ll stop talking about it.
Okay, but for now all the “RIP Reddit” posts give migrating Reddit users a feeling of, “So this is where the other people like me went.”
Hopefully we can get a mobile client soon as well, because then I think it’ll really take off.
I’ve been gently hounding the RIF dev to see if he’ll make a Kbin app, lol. Here’s to hoping!
The problem the kbin has right now though is that it’s so new I don’t think an API exists yet. Even if it did, development is happening so rapidly that by the time you hammered out your app the API may have changed several times.
We will eventually get our app, but kbin needs to grow as a website a little bit first.
Yeah I keep wishing I could see this in the Apollo UI
There’s one in the works called Artemis
Same, Apollo just crashes, I was hoping for some sort of miracle compromise lol
Yeah - as of about thirty minutes ago, Apollo just crashes as soon as it boots.
If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn’t do/mean anything but I suspect I’ll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.
Mine has started loading normally without that. Obviously no content, but I don’t have to turn off connection to have it not crash now.
The developer of Apollo said Reddit cut them off unexpectedly but he was able to make it stop crashing by deleting his token. He can no longer access anything now but at least you can go into the app.
Apollo crashed as soon as I finished reading the eulogy post
I didn’t get to :( It wouldn’t load.
That was great timing. I hope you’re not into reading apocalypse or doomsday books, though.
I was hoping he put something special in like a countdown with that last update. Or that you could still open it and see something. App is totally dead.
Update: Apparently Reddit killed all the third party apps themselves early. Probably knowing we would comment only to protest and complain.
A link to Lemmy would have been good.
There is one if you open RIF now :)
Edit: typo
Dang, that kinda sucks. If he was able to still have a going away message it could link to donations to help cover the refunds.
Reddit killed the third party apps early.
BaconReader down as well.
Feels weird after all these years.
I’m excited about the fediverse though!
The best app :(
Fun side effect if I accidentally click a reddit link from Google or whatever, it opens the app to an empty screen instead of giving reddit traffic! I’ll keep it installed as a free blacklist tool 🤣
Ha! Great idea, think I’ll do the same
RIP :/
I know people were saying Reddit looked normal like all the protests, etc. did nothing but it’ll be interesting to see if that’s the same now that third party apps are dead or if people were just riding out the last days
I got downvoted really bad on a comment i made. Some people are riding it out till the wheels fall off. Some don’t like the way reddit treated third-party apps so they came over. Everyone got there reasons!
I actually feel really sad for an app. Got the 429 error and my heart sunk. Rest in peace friend.
I’m still kinda in shock that it actually happened. Well, that’s legitimately the end of the road for me on Reddit. I was on there for 12 years, and the majority of it was using RiF. Gg Spez, moron.
I was high on the hopium that they’d eventually show some flex too
I’ve been on reddit for 13 years, and have used rif for 12. Maybe the most used app I’ve ever had, was always a staple download whenever getting a new device. Just a damn shame this is happening.
That being said, this is my first post on kbin. Here’s to hoping this community can grow and we can collectively move on from reddit’s mess as it withers away from their pride and greed.
I don’t know why, but I’m still in shock it actually happened. RIF is the only way I’ve ever used Reddit. Spez is burning down one of the best and most informative communities just to up his future net worth a few percentage points. It’s disgusting.
What really confounds me is how he can confuse creating infrastructure for creativity and information sharing with having any actual value? Lol. The dude is a fucking nitwit. Full stop.
Man fuck spez and all the enablers. Seriously incompetent leadership and anyone thinking of touching that IPO might as well light their money on fire.
Tiktok alone shows the masses can and will switch to something completely different on a moments notice.
I thought I’d check it one more time this evening, but no. Nothing there.Same, I thought “hey, I should get a screenshot or something to remember it by.”
Reddit was fun
Hello everyone! RIF stopped working so here I am! I hope everyone is doing well.