Nah. This is just a Sword of Damacles suspended over the organization’s head. They’ll keep coming back and issuing new tickets under new rules that have to be re-litigated. And folks doing food distribution will spend more and more of their time in court proceedings rather than doing the thing they signed up to do.
Then everyone just waits with baited breath for a judge to decide “Actually, this arcane interpretation of a rule about a rule about a legal decision about a rule means we CAN fine you $10,000 for every crumb dropped on the sidewalk” and that raises the stakes until the organization is smothered to death.
This is basically what they said outside the courthouse. The failure to find a jury just causes the case to be reschedule, but every fucking TIME they hand out food, the cops come around to fine them. It is genuinely disgusting. The DAs don’t even bother to be prepared with their motions.
I guess it make sense, if they start fining food not bombs for giving out food the group might start looking for alternatives.
A rebrand to “Food or Bombs”
Bring back the old “Work, bread, or lead!”
Food and bombs
Food not. Bombs.
food not? bombs!
“you made your choice”
Nah. This is just a Sword of Damacles suspended over the organization’s head. They’ll keep coming back and issuing new tickets under new rules that have to be re-litigated. And folks doing food distribution will spend more and more of their time in court proceedings rather than doing the thing they signed up to do.
Then everyone just waits with baited breath for a judge to decide “Actually, this arcane interpretation of a rule about a rule about a legal decision about a rule means we CAN fine you $10,000 for every crumb dropped on the sidewalk” and that raises the stakes until the organization is smothered to death.
and then a courthouse blows up
This is basically what they said outside the courthouse. The failure to find a jury just causes the case to be reschedule, but every fucking TIME they hand out food, the cops come around to fine them. It is genuinely disgusting. The DAs don’t even bother to be prepared with their motions.
Fuck this country.