What the title says. Feel free to get into fierce food debates in the comments.
I have a good few unique dislikes, but the one I’ll mention here is Dr. Pepper. It tastes absolutely abominable, and I have no idea how everyone likes it. It’s just not good.
i don’t like sushi. i said it.
Cucumbers and celery. Really the only produce I actively dislike
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 omg yes Dr Pepper or any other sarsparilla drink is gross. There used to be one here called SARS but then a virus made it unpopular.
I also don’t like periperi, sour cream and chives flavoured crisps/chips, or mushrooms.
Barbecue anything really. I don’t like the sauces, I’m not fond of smoked meat, and it’s unnecessarily messy. It’s like the trifecta of things I don’t like in food.
Note: I do like barbecue potato chips though
Interesting. I might be somewhat of the opposite — I think barbecue’s great, but I’m not a fan of barbecue potato chips. I’ll maybe eat some if there’s nothing else around and I’m hungry, but I’ve just never liked them.
Sounds like we’re mirror world twins. But which one is the evil one?
Well, I despise donuts, so it’s probably me.
-gasp- you truly are evil.
Fennel. Or anything adjacent to black licorice. 🤢
Club soda and Vichy or what ever you call it in english. Especially the ones that have salt in them but even just plain carbonated water. No thanks.
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I love it raw but if it’s cooked it makes me retch.
What? Why would anyone cook it? What would they use that for? Who could hurt someone so badly to make them do that?
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 idk but it really should be illegal.
I unwittingly had some in a cold pasta salad the other day and threw up a tiny bit in my mouth.
People cook it?
@JillyB yes unfortunately they do. It totally changes the taste.
All forms of cured pork. Ham. Bacon. Gammon. No thanks. (“Oh no! Not bacon!”)
This isn’t for religious reasons either. Regular pork in a roast? Sausages, even? Yes please. But nothing cured.
There’s something about the tanginess of cured pork that I really don’t like.
And for whatever reason, the supermarkets here seem to stock 75% forms of ham and 25% everything else in the cold cuts / sandwich meats fridges.
Occasionally, I’ve bought pork slices that didn’t look to be cured, but upon opening they’ve been more pink than I thought and had that tangy smell and taste. Bait and switch. If it’s ham, say so, goddammit.
Will it kill me? No. Will I eat it if it’s all that’s available? Sure. (As I did with the aforementioned slices). Heck, I even almost enjoyed a cold BLT once (pre-cooked and cooled bacon isn’t as powerful somehow), but I’d really prefer not to.