It will take hold of you, and you will regret it’s absence
- a stupid idiot who thought they could explain why arbitrary age limits are a poor heuristic for experience to a /r/politics user
god typing that out really sells the stupid idiot part huh
This may be a bit of a hot take but I don’t think age limits are that bad. I can see the argument that on average, a 25yo doesn’t have the experience with people, with changing political landscapes, foreign policy etc that would be necessary for the job.
I know that a 25 yo child of poor parents from a poor community will have more life experience than a legion of failsons put together, but that’d be a little idealistic as a response. Any <40 that gets a shot at being the usian president will be some silver spoon shithead who made all the right friends.
All that said I’ll freely admit the criterion is useless as shit. Usians will have a second election between someone with a rotting corpse syndrome and whatever donald’s got. If they hold debates, it’ll be a contest of whichever side prepares the better coctail of uppers. Clearly, usians have extremely low standards and a youth president would be the least of their problems.