It will take hold of you, and you will regret it’s absence
- a stupid idiot who thought they could explain why arbitrary age limits are a poor heuristic for experience to a /r/politics user
god typing that out really sells the stupid idiot part huh
All the way back in 2017 I legitimately thought every user on that sub was actual bots
It just felt so different from the rest of reddit (whose users should also be wiped off the planet)
It’s heavily modded and censored and was one of the first targeted by their former CIA community misinformation manager
I guess it could be really dumb paid shills instead of bots. idk
There are also bots, Reddit is full of them to help their IPO. But you don’t need to pay shills, libs will shill of their own accord if you just create an echo chamber. That’s what the modding does.
Same thing in worldnews, which used to show cracks of left sympathy until they began banning anyone critical of capitalism.