Every time I block one of these channels, ten more rise up to take its place
Glad ML-generated images found a use case to justify destroying the environment for.
I’m imagining this dude typing
into fucking Bing AI or whateverone of the worst things ai generated images have done to us is that it enables people who think drawing is for the gays to bring their deranged ideas into a visual medium. I feel wronged every time I see a picture projected from the mind of a chud that isn’t a boomer cartoon or esoteric soyjack, it should not be possible
“women hate stellar blade”
women haven’t heard of stellar blade. ps5 has no games
This guy apparently believes your mom thinks about nothing BUT stellar blade
What’s up with the overweight homemakers in these thumbnails??? Is this guy like 45 years old and still conceptualises the people trying to take his nerd shit away looking like members of conservative parents’ groups protesting DnD in the 80s
At least the blue-haired SJW stereotype makes sense as a person that probably has opinions about gender representation in video games
What the fuck is Steller Blade?
It’s some game where the player character is a lady with a big butt.
I looked the game up and the developer apparently did fire a female employee for retweeting a feminist hashtag on Twitter, which nerds like this have seemingly been jerking themselves raw over. Bad Korea is Bad
it’s not even big it’s just accentuated
True, but you wouldn’t say this to ms. Blade’s face.
I have no idea what chuds think about the games I play
What I hate the most about this bullshit is that it works. Now I’ve gone from not knowing anything about this PlayStation exclusive Nier: Automata knockoff to knowing about it and I can’t go back.
Also every South Korean game dev is firing every female employee who’s ever said anything in public at any point. It’s part of that country’s ongoing “gender war” which is like omega gamergate.
Korean conservatives trying to increase the birth rate by making every women stay away from them
would be amazing if that occupied korea womens’ movement figured out their lives would be better in free korea and this shit leads to reunification
When I see shit like this I feel like I’ve stepped back through time. Like it’s more than a decade later and they’re still talking about this shit?
Gamergate times really flash froze a lot of dudes in amber
Conservatives have a Madonna whore complex. They want their politics and movies to be traditional, modest, and respect “family values,” but then when they login to steam they want some big breasted femdom Japanese waifu who will giggle when you stare at her ass for too long.
I think with reactionary nerds the dichotomy also comes the fact that in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s nerds saw themselves as “apolitical.” They didn’t want to hear or care about any politics, man, they were just simple dudes who wanted to play video games, watch anime and read comic books. They used to hate conservatives back when conservative groups and politicians were coming after video games, heavy metal, DnD and so on
Eventually in the 2010s the enemy shifted from Jack Thompson types to feminists as nerd media stopped being exclusively catered to horny 14-35 year old dudes, and during Gamergate conservatives managed to leverage that resentment to begin fully folding them into the conservative movement. They’re adopting more and more conservative viewpoints which is replacing the vaguely ambivalently liberal. sorta libertarian ethos they used to have
So they want big titty waifus to jerk off to but they also wanna ban abortion and bring God back to schools
It’s basically that American counter-culture has always had a strong chauvinist libertine current to it, for whom the ultimate sin is someone getting between them and their treats. And this doesn’t just apply to libertarians, but was also a strong current in the broader American “left” (which was mostly center-right sucdems).
This leads to incoherent things like, say, Heavy Metal magazine being at once openly cynically exploitative and publishing a lot of extremely problematic trash, but also still being better than its contemporary mainstream on social issues. Or 4chan 20 years ago generally being left of the mainstream (like when I was in highschool, all the queer theater kids and general outcasts were avid 4chan users), even though it was chauvinist libertine trash then too. And you can take this back further to things like the hippy movement that was incoherent and mostly focused on young men not wanting to suffer and die for a stupid, evil reason and also those same young men wanting special good boy treats like drugs and music and free access to women’s bodies, and while it may have intersected in places with the left and the civil rights movement that was entirely incidental and you had a lot of racism and sexism because it was still an American movement. Like the American mainstream social mores have been so extremely chauvinist and awful that even contrarian libertines just demanding treats ended up better politically than the geriatric demons running the show.
Then the lines were redrawn: the theocrats faded into the background momentarily and their fascist oligarch backers switched to trying to capture a new generation of libertines by telling them women and minorities were coming for their treats, leading all that self-serving latent bigotry to crystalize into their entire worldview and creating an army of frothing fascist treat lads. Conversely, the backlash against them also allowed an actual left to form because suddenly a big chunk of the chauvinist libertines who were sucking the life out of everything weren’t just gone, they were a militant enemy that had to be opposed.
It’s a cyclical thing. Back in the 90’s it was the Howard Stern conservatives who thought the libs were coming for their cigarettes, high flow toilets and in-ground pools and ruin their vibe. The rugged individualism facade that American conservatism puts on is really good at convincing those types that conservatism is the party time ideology that wants to deregulate their treats. It continues until the cultural conservatives gain the upper hand and then they realize again, oh these people want to control others.
Freud was right about a very particular kind of pathetic loser, his problem was thinking that his analysis of people like himself extended to everyone else.
Honestly would hate this shit in games. Why would I want to feel horny in the middle of playing a video game? There’s enough fat butts on my computer screen whenever I go on reddit/discord/any website with ads
I say “would” because I don’t play games anymore
Ublock origin
i don’t think people are getting aroused like that while playing a game that has an “attractive” character in it but isn’t a porn game or doa volleyball. like, do you wonder why attractive people are cast in movies?
there’s a difference between a generally attractive person and seeing two huge round bazoongas in your face at every second of the game
that sounds like porn game. even in something as background levels of horny as soul calibur that’s not a reasonable description.
I can’t believe that woman caught mid-sneeze at a protest that all these CHUDs use as a thumbnail is now out of a job thanks to AI art.
Is that a cookie growing out of her cheek?