Hello. Many of the older thinkpads were regarded as being peak for the ability to repair and easily see into them at both the hardware and software levels.
I was wondering, what PC, if any, is similar in this regard? Aside from building your own PC ofc. Any opinions are welcome. Thank you.
I was looking for something that I’m confident doesn’t spy at the hardware level.
I used Thinkpads as an example because after the early 2010 ones, they got those weird i7 (I believe) processors and we don’t know much of what they do but some speculate they record keystrokes and phone data home.
What PC can you trust has good hardware in privacy? I don’t want to buy a PC and run Linux, trying my best, and the thing spies at the hardware level.
How confident do you need to be? I don’t think I’ve seen any convincing evidence of any firmware spying in PC components.
Well, except the NSA’s Clipper chip, but I don’t think that really ever got implemented.
Lenovo uses proprietary, closed source firmware. There’s no way to know what it’s doing.