vyvanse prescription has been delayed for 3 weeks now. i am a patient, yet severely ADHD soul, so I figure “oh it’s probably just delayed because they’re out of stock” and go about my business since I had about a week left (thanks to me completely forgetting to take it like 30% of the time).
wake up this morning and realize I am taking the last one I have. Not good, I think, because next week is especially busy at work. So I take an early lunch break at 9:30 and drive out to Walgreens to see if maybe, somehow, I’ve just completely missed the “your prescription’s ready” call and texts.
Pharmacist asks me what I’m looking for. “My vyvanse prescription, it was placed on the 24th. My name is ABC and DOB is…”
Tappity-tap-tap on their computer. They glance up and narrow their eyes at me like I’m asking them to hack into the NSA’s secure amphetamine database. Tappity-tap-tap.
“You’re picking up a vyvanse prescription?? For whom??”
Uh, myself…? Here’s my license.
“Hm…I’m not finding it, let me ask the head pharmacist to take a look.”
30 minutes go by. The Head Pharmacist finally comes out and asks for my license for the second time. “The other pharmacist literally copied it down on the clipboard before they went to find you.” I say as I fish it out of my wallet. They blink and look at the clipboard.
“Oh…huh. You’re right they did.”
Now I’m somewhat irritated as I hand them my license again. He looks at it, realizes it is exactly the same as what the sheet says, and hands it back to me.
“So umm…it looks like the generic lisdexamfetamine is backordered which is why we haven’t filled it yet.”
This wouldn’t be a shock except for the fact that I don’t get the fucking generic. So immediately my response is “Well, my insurance covers the brandname 100% and I don’t even get the generic so…are you saying the brand-name is also backordered and you cannot fill it??”
“No, we can fill it if you want the brand name medication!!”
“So why did y’all not fill it for 3 weeks if literally every other time I’ve filled this prescription through you, I’ve received the brand name medication??”
“…Because the generic is back-ordered sir…”
??? What the fuck are you talking about. It sounds like you just tossed my prescription into the “backordered” pile whenever it came in and didn’t realize it wasn’t actually a backordered medication until I came in. Thank you for wasting my entire hour lunch-break!!
I’ve gotten straight up harassed by pharmacists twice for being trans - like shouting “you’re a man” to the entire CVS after seeing my license. I kind of just roll with the ADHD med mixups now to get in and out ASAP. like I got my ID fixed to say F immediately after those incidents but I still brace to run when handing my ID over to pharmacies.
will say, I’m very lucky to have found a small local pharmacy that’s got few enough customers that they call within an hour of receiving the prescription, and can immediately order ADHD meds the day they get the prescription and have it in the next day, despite the shortage, because they haven’t hit their quota yet. plus they’re queer friendly and can even deliver meds straight to you within a day or two. if they took my insurance, I’d go to them for everything, but the consistency with my ADHD meds is critical for my job so it’s the only thing I can justify paying for out-of-pocket.
my job also provides a mail-order pharmacy service as a benefit - it’s out-of-state so no good for controlled substances and it takes a week to arrive but that’s fine for everything else cause I can order in bulk + work covers the copay. might be worth it to look for one of those, even if you don’t get the copay covered, especially if they’re in a state your doctor is licensed in, cause they seem to have an easier time getting ADHD meds, as they’re usually in more rural areas where they’re less likely to have exceeded their quota.