The royal family brings in a net positive amount of revenue of you account for receipts from added tourism and spending. The expenses for shipping around the US President for example is another story.
As an American, if I got cancer like this dude has, having a job there is a very high chance I’d be destitute IF I lived. World class medical treatment off the backs of his subjects… yeahno my dude, worlds smallest violen playing.jpeg
He can wipe his cancer tears up with whatever the largest denomination of pounds you guys use is xD
And when a president gets COVID he gets drugged up and gets the best treatment on the taxpayers dime. While the people are left with life shattering medical debt.
While these subjects can get medical treatment, for just a fraction, and no debts… Like the king…
So what is your point?
We have been playing the whole sad orchestra for you guys, seeing you push out this attitude like it is a win over something.
The president has an actual job tho??? Like wat lmao 🤣 and if you think the king is getting the same medical treatment as Mr jo British bong water, I have some EU membership to sell you.
And it is not the dig you wish it is. As it portrays even more that anyone in the UK, even those without an actual job, can get medical treatment without fearing massive medical debt.
That’s not addressing my point of… Why is the king receiving preferential treatment? His role is ceremonial. You could make the argument he’s paying for private treatment (I don’t know if he is or not), if he’s not why does he get to skip the NHS cancer treatment wait list? If he is paying for private… What exactly has he personally done to allow him to have the ABILITY to pay for said treatment:| Not saying all the royals wealth should be seized for the peoplez, more why is his families life style still to my understanding being subsidized by British tax payers? The tourism they bring in would still be coming, it’s not like they’re going to sell Buckingham palace if the gov stopped paying for their shit.
Sure, I also wish monarchies are cut of the tax payers spigot.
But why are you making this such a big point of having a rich old white dick getting preferential treatment? I thought you loved that shit in the USA. I thought the AMERICAN dream is to become a rich old white dick to get that sweet preferential (tax) treatment. To get your rich old white children get the same benefits through generational wealth.
Be mad that in the EU people can pay for both a rich old white dude play a monarch and socialized healthcare. While ever time you try and do something similar all the old white dicks crawl out of the woodwork to tell “HoW cAn We EvEr PaY fOr ThAt?!”
If you have seen breaking bad, the premise of that show is an apt description. Insurance companies here will often deny you necessary life saving medical treatment for… reasons
Other example: a woman with a family history of breast cancer was denied a doctor recommended mammogram to check on some potentially cancerous lumps because she has… Already had too many mammograms.
Profit incentive in the healthcare industry is no bueno:|
Totally out of the loop on UK royalty, because they’re basically just a medieval version of the Kardashians that’s hung around waaaaay too long.
I was under the impression that the monarchy’s power was predicated on their right to rule being divine, which could only be maintained by keeping their bloodline inbred pure.
I wouldn’t say he is German, but German dynasties have sit on the British throne since George I was crowned in 1714. Up till queen Victoria all monarchs belonged to the house of Hanover. Victoria married Albert of house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and their son Edward VII was counted as the member of that dynasty. Edward’s son George V changed their surname to “Windsor” in 1917.
And i imagine that the house of Saxony which part house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is, is pretty inbred since basically every surviving european noble today is either part of it or closely related.
I’m begging liberals to remember the one cool thing they ever did, which was chopping off their monarchs’ heads, and commit to that. Just that. Come on now, this is an argument that’s been solved for like 200 years now: monarchs and aristocrats are dogshit and deserve to be forcibly removed from their positions of wealth and authority.
Please for the love of anything you love stop crying for monarchists and bring back the guillotine. For FUCKS SAKE YOU’RE LITERALLY THINKING LIKE A MIDDLE AGES SERF. GOD EMPEROR SHIT RIGHT HERE
If any of you fucking liberals ever say ANYTHING about communist countries having cults of personality I’m going to haul ass and personally take shits inside your house that will leave you confused for years to come
Yeah the news and world news subs really took a tumble of late. I came for some modicum of intellectual debate, but it’s a shame how quickly that derails.
Jesus, lemmy is full of hate
Is hating monarchies not natural? What gives someone the right to rule over others just because of their bloodline?
I have 0 sympathy for monarchial families living off the backs of UK taxpayers for… Centuries :|
The royal family brings in a net positive amount of revenue of you account for receipts from added tourism and spending. The expenses for shipping around the US President for example is another story.
How do they know what % tourists are there because of the royal family?
Yea, I don’t wish death upon the guy but come on, get a job now
As an American, if I got cancer like this dude has, having a job there is a very high chance I’d be destitute IF I lived. World class medical treatment off the backs of his subjects… yeahno my dude, worlds smallest violen playing.jpeg
He can wipe his cancer tears up with whatever the largest denomination of pounds you guys use is xD
And when a president gets COVID he gets drugged up and gets the best treatment on the taxpayers dime. While the people are left with life shattering medical debt.
While these subjects can get medical treatment, for just a fraction, and no debts… Like the king…
So what is your point?
We have been playing the whole sad orchestra for you guys, seeing you push out this attitude like it is a win over something.
The president has an actual job tho??? Like wat lmao 🤣 and if you think the king is getting the same medical treatment as Mr jo British bong water, I have some EU membership to sell you.
A new tiny violin joins the choir.
And it is not the dig you wish it is. As it portrays even more that anyone in the UK, even those without an actual job, can get medical treatment without fearing massive medical debt.
That’s not addressing my point of… Why is the king receiving preferential treatment? His role is ceremonial. You could make the argument he’s paying for private treatment (I don’t know if he is or not), if he’s not why does he get to skip the NHS cancer treatment wait list? If he is paying for private… What exactly has he personally done to allow him to have the ABILITY to pay for said treatment:| Not saying all the royals wealth should be seized for the peoplez, more why is his families life style still to my understanding being subsidized by British tax payers? The tourism they bring in would still be coming, it’s not like they’re going to sell Buckingham palace if the gov stopped paying for their shit.
Sure, I also wish monarchies are cut of the tax payers spigot.
But why are you making this such a big point of having a rich old white dick getting preferential treatment? I thought you loved that shit in the USA. I thought the AMERICAN dream is to become a rich old white dick to get that sweet preferential (tax) treatment. To get your rich old white children get the same benefits through generational wealth.
Be mad that in the EU people can pay for both a rich old white dude play a monarch and socialized healthcare. While ever time you try and do something similar all the old white dicks crawl out of the woodwork to tell “HoW cAn We EvEr PaY fOr ThAt?!”
I’m not sure I follow. I know health insurance in the US is often tied to a salaried job, so if you have one, then why would you be destitute ?
Now I’m not British, but I agree with the sentiment
If you have seen breaking bad, the premise of that show is an apt description. Insurance companies here will often deny you necessary life saving medical treatment for… reasons
Other example: a woman with a family history of breast cancer was denied a doctor recommended mammogram to check on some potentially cancerous lumps because she has… Already had too many mammograms.
Profit incentive in the healthcare industry is no bueno:|
it’s pretty silly to say they live off the backs of uk taxpayers when royalist tourism brings in more tax revenue than anything.
royals are for guillotines
Imagine simping for an inbred German shambling corpse.
Who did what now?
Totally out of the loop on UK royalty, because they’re basically just a medieval version of the Kardashians that’s hung around waaaaay too long.
I was under the impression that the monarchy’s power was predicated on their right to rule being divine, which could only be maintained by keeping their bloodline
inbredpure.Charles is German?
I wouldn’t say he is German, but German dynasties have sit on the British throne since George I was crowned in 1714. Up till queen Victoria all monarchs belonged to the house of Hanover. Victoria married Albert of house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and their son Edward VII was counted as the member of that dynasty. Edward’s son George V changed their surname to “Windsor” in 1917.
And i imagine that the house of Saxony which part house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is, is pretty inbred since basically every surviving european noble today is either part of it or closely related.
I’m begging liberals to remember the one cool thing they ever did, which was chopping off their monarchs’ heads, and commit to that. Just that. Come on now, this is an argument that’s been solved for like 200 years now: monarchs and aristocrats are dogshit and deserve to be forcibly removed from their positions of wealth and authority.
Please for the love of anything you love stop crying for monarchists and bring back the guillotine. For FUCKS SAKE YOU’RE LITERALLY THINKING LIKE A MIDDLE AGES SERF. GOD EMPEROR SHIT RIGHT HERE
If any of you fucking liberals ever say ANYTHING about communist countries having cults of personality I’m going to haul ass and personally take shits inside your house that will leave you confused for years to come
Yeah the news and world news subs really took a tumble of late. I came for some modicum of intellectual debate, but it’s a shame how quickly that derails.