Average day in (neo)vim
You can use :wq only once
I use quake style terminals, and often start writing a file and completely forget about it and turn off the computer, and only remember what i left behind when i find the random recovery files around, so :w a lot is quite useful for me.
My biggest (mostly) irrational internet pet peeve is the proliferation of people suggesting “:wq” when “:x” is strictly better.
:w before ZZ just to make sure
Is there any reason to use :w other than it being the default? I have mine mapped to CTRL-S and it makes sure to keep me in insert mode if I was in insert mode. Feels way faster and easier to spam than the 4 key presses it takes to execute “:w”.
I’m just used to it and I’m keeping ny time in instert mode at minimum.
not mapping semicolon to colon
Basically a Jackie Chan fight scene, complete with somebody rolling a carriage at him and him kicking it back to pin them against the wall
We can optimize this further:
unsatisfied = true while(unsatisfied) { key.dispatch( Keyboard::Ctrl, Keyboard::s ) }
…No, there is no instance where
changes stateYou should just be able to
It’s a joke.
That sounds like an excuse.
Don’t worry, most modern brains have a builtin jit compiler, so when a habit starts to form, the check will be optimised out. (It saves excess neurons from being generated.)
When you do this using Word online it be like “chill dude we autosave here, we got you” and I’m like “brother I do not trust you”.
Ctrl+s means “stop the presses” to VT100 terminal emulators and you have to press ctrl+q to resume. Key combinations from a different era.
I’ve never had to think about that with Intellij IDEA. It just works!
I still click Ctrl S occasionally when using pycharm. It’s the law.
This is me in eclipse.
Because I used to do the single save and it failed
I trust auto save in… Souls games.
Dude I save almost every time I type anything. It’s muscle memory at this point.
MFRs are saving each keystroke they have access to.
C-x C-s
I hate editors that cut the current line if you do C-x with nothing selected. Always do C-x C-s, even in VSCode and KDevelop.
deleted by creator
Manually saving will save a lot more time than it not saving
I just can’t stand Kate showing me a little orange bar meaning I have not saved the changes yet. The bar must be green! I am a slave to the green bar. The white dot in vscode (I use an open source build) is a bit more tolerable, but whenever I notice it I HAVE to save the file.
Ah! Another fellow coder of culture!
It’s such a good text editor.