Afaik there are regs that make those lights illegal and require specific alignment of headlights so they don’t blind people, but there’s no enforcement, and people constantly misalign the lights with shoddy installs. idk, I hate it, driving is dangerous enough as it is.
It’d be easy as shit to have a pubic initiative drive for free light adjustment. Pigs could do something useful for once and pull these things over for referral to an adjustment center. But no, we can’t have reasonable things that improve safety. I learned today that Tennessee apparently doesn’t have driver’s training, kids just have an adult sign off that they can drive.
Holy FUCK HOW IS IT BELOW 99%?!! WE’RE THE RICHES GODDAMN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND WE HAVE THIS!!! I have friends who live there that want us to come visit and it might force me to come out to them because I have to explain ‘uhh yeah, I don’t want to get arrested for existing’. … I JUST NOTICED THIS ISN’T EVEN THE LOWEST RANKED STATE OHHH MYYYY FUCK!!!
It’s worse than that. Those percentages add up to over 100% – almost 180% in total. And that’s without even counting the innumeracy rate, which isn’t counted, apparently. We take numeracy far more seriously in my state.
I hate daylight savings so fucking much it’s such a stupid concept in the first place but is also backwards from how I’d even want it if we have to do it
Why the fuck would you change it so the sun sets earlier in the winter??? Are you insane? If we’re gonna do the clock moving nonsense it should be later in the winter and earlier in the summer to adjust for the daylight. And then I could stop going home from work in the dark.
“Oh man, it sure is getting dark early here in December. Oh I know, let’s make it worse!”
Afaik there are regs that make those lights illegal and require specific alignment of headlights so they don’t blind people, but there’s no enforcement, and people constantly misalign the lights with shoddy installs. idk, I hate it, driving is dangerous enough as it is.
It’d be easy as shit to have a pubic initiative drive for free light adjustment. Pigs could do something useful for once and pull these things over for referral to an adjustment center. But no, we can’t have reasonable things that improve safety. I learned today that Tennessee apparently doesn’t have driver’s training, kids just have an adult sign off that they can drive.
I sure hope the literacy rate of Tennessee is good enough for them to read the road signs…
Holy FUCK HOW IS IT BELOW 99%?!! WE’RE THE RICHES GODDAMN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND WE HAVE THIS!!! I have friends who live there that want us to come visit and it might force me to come out to them because I have to explain ‘uhh yeah, I don’t want to get arrested for existing’. … I JUST NOTICED THIS ISN’T EVEN THE LOWEST RANKED STATE OHHH MYYYY FUCK!!!
It’s worse than that. Those percentages add up to over 100% – almost 180% in total. And that’s without even counting the innumeracy rate, which isn’t counted, apparently. We take numeracy far more seriously in my state.
deleted by creator
>there are 14 states that are even worse
Sounds like the only option is vigilante regulation enforcement.
The Batman, except he’s the Mothman and is attracted to bright lights (which he destroys with a sledge hammer and a shotgun loaded with rock salt)
i solved the problem by not going out at night anymore
Can’t be avoided when I leave work after sunset in the winter :(
Which is 4 fucking 30 thanks to stupid goddamn daylight savings time
I hate daylight savings so fucking much it’s such a stupid concept in the first place but is also backwards from how I’d even want it if we have to do it
Why the fuck would you change it so the sun sets earlier in the winter??? Are you insane? If we’re gonna do the clock moving nonsense it should be later in the winter and earlier in the summer to adjust for the daylight. And then I could stop going home from work in the dark.
“Oh man, it sure is getting dark early here in December. Oh I know, let’s make it worse!”
Do you just move hemispheres every equinox?
I am once again asking for funding for a giant rocket booster so we can move the hemispheres to create more equitable weather.
no but i am very boring