I’ve heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I’m totally fine with! I’ve heard a lot of love for the name “Voyager”
So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name “Voyager”? Any other good ideas?
Comment below!
I’ve heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I’m totally fine with! I’ve heard a lot of love for the name “Voyager”
So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name “Voyager”? Any other good ideas?
Comment below!
wefwef is memorizable, but I’d like to know what it stands for
literally nothing. It’s a name I came up with out of pure laziness: it’s where my fingers rest on the keyboard and I can type it one-handed 😂
This alone already counts as lore!
I’d appreciate a new name, but now I’m conflicted.
I feel the same way, liked the sound of Voyager but wefwef has a better back story. Wefwef is also more unique.
Yeah but try saying it out loud, then imagine trying to recommend it to someone. They’re gonna think you just barked at them.
I suppose its sounds so odd right now because it’s new. A lot of company/app names sound kind of dumb until we get used to it. The names Tiktok, Twitter, Kijiji, Snapchat, Bumble, Reddit, all sounded silly to me when I first heard them. Now I don’t even think twice about their names.
Organic names are the best names. “Voyager” sounds like something ChatGPT would come up with if you’d ask it to “name the next Apollo app”.
Edit: I just asked and it gave me “StellarFeed”.
Good you can add a slogan: wefwef - save your right hand for more important tasks ;-)
Honestly I like the name wefwef. It is easily searchable especially when it is not exactly easy to search things across the Fediverse.
I imagined it as being the sound a lemming would make
Time to retcon a meaning for it now, if you’re going to keep it. I’m really enjoying using it and the name is incidental, but I love a good invented mythology too.
Will you make it an app or will it be web based forever?
It’s possible
Let’s hope so!
Thank god! I was too afraid to ask and I thought I was just old and uncool for not knowing what it meant! 😅