atlantis (pre-atlexit)
Do Americans really not know about Gigandorra?
Wetlandia. Famous for it’s seafood.
I am very troubled by this inaccurate depiction of…
Country of biscay?
I’m an American who is reasonably well traveled (though I haven’t been to Europe yet) and really wants to be less ignorant about these things than most of my countrymates so I spent a amount of time trying to figure it out. I did not. I guess I’m still that American. But I’ll keep trying not to be.
Well! Thank you for being a good sport about it. :)
Of course! The first step to fixing ignorance is acknowledging it.
Upper Galicia.
redacted for privacy :3
I just now realized I was justifying a 196 meme with a serious response. I need to go touch grass
i dunno, its kind of a mouthful but that is a pretty funny name for a country.
I was just going to say OP is a Basque separatist
France 3
We’re genuinely on France 11 or 12 already (at least one of those was explicitly provisional, so let’s say 11), or French Republic 5 if counting only republics. That’s not even counting West Francia, which is essentially the same thing.
my bad. France 3 2 then.
That is just the highest quality french TV (it’s the name of the localized stations from the national TV, so you get a different one in each region covering local news).
Must’ve been one of them countries that was isekai’d.
Obviously that’s North Porulegal
That’s obviously Jeff
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