Tell me a spooky scary story. Something that happened to you, or someone you know, or local folklore, or something your uncle told you by the campfire. Paranormal experiences welcome. I want to look like pic attached.
(just nothing involving SA pls and thanks)
I can’t think of anything irl thats that spooky other than my houses resident ghost that makes lightswitch noises in random rooms when you’re alone. Other residents have also noted this happens when they are alone. Was spooky at first but now just a fun feature of living here.
I also have this recurring house in my dreams, no matter what the theme or location of the dream the house is always there, i own it, I’ve never walked any further inside than the front door. It’s a very unnerving place so I leave. Comes back again in the next dream sometimes in a completely different location. But same house same eeriness and same lack of interest in going any further than the front door. It’s been going on for months maybe even a whole year and I don’t know why.
Oh and my cat jump scares me all the time and is causing everyone in the house to see shifting shadows out the corner of their eyes even when she’s asleep in a know position.
That dream house is spooking me out a bit. Amazing.