Why yes let’s deforest the side of a mountain so we can run down it and possibly hit trees at fatal speeds. Im fucking glad climate change is making this bougie bullshit harder to do. I went skiing once, horrible experience. Everyone in the skiing lodge was a rich white asshole and it felt like I walked into a country club, no a hitler youth recreation club. If you own a timeshare let alone an entire house at a ski resort you deserve the fucking wall!!!
Wait they use fake snow? I know places thst have machines that make real snow, but it has to be cold enough
Fake as in not from the sky, but made on the ground with one of those machines. They consume around 20 GWh of power per year in every large alpine ski area[1].
[1] https://praxistipps.chip.de/stromverbrauch-schneekanone-so-viel-strom-verbrauchen-kuenstliche-schneeerzeuger_153343
I mean the snow making machines, afaik they use a lot of energy. Where I live those are used to put snow into the cross-country ski routes that are everywhere as well.
The petty bourge loves this sport too, it makes them feel like they are properly doing their protestant seld-discipline. It has a lot of male coded and toughness coded undertones, there are a lot of sayings about skiing and “toughness”. Ski route rage is a real thing that happens here as a result.