I picked up some extra work so my weekend will be pretty much nonexistent. Let me live vicariously through you. Anything fun or exciting? Anything shitty you want to vent about? Boring normal stuff that needs done? Lay it on me!
Ugh, I’ll be on the venting side. I drew the short straw and had to do two weeks of night shifts (and I’m a early bird, NOT a night owl). I slept nearly 40 out of the 48 hours last weekend, and I expect I’ll do the same this weekend.
First barbecue of the summer! First barbecue with friends as an independent adult too, really. I love to cook for people and have two perfect summer recipes picked out to make this weekend- arugula salad with steak and parm, and a spicy cucumber-watermelon salad. And then Sunday will be full of chores :(
Sounds good, have a great time!
And yes, cleaning up is also part of it but at least you’ll have the great memories by then.
Oh I’m not hosting, I don’t have room to. Just being a generous contributor to the pot luck. Unfortunately the chores of daily life don’t take holiday weekends, lol
My partner and I got a beach house for a long weekend so we’re planning on doing a whole lotta nothing!
I’m driving home to the beach to visit my parents. hoping to avoid the onslaught of fireworks this weekend since they’re illegal at the beach, tho I will be driving home on Independence Day. I always thought they should give us the next day off to recover from lack of sleep.
The smoke from the Canadian wildfires has been really bad this week and I don’t expect it to lift by the weekend so I’m not sure what’s gonna happen. I want to get out on the lake and paddle but I find it really difficult to breathe outside and really don’t want to be out there in 250+ AQI. Spent two hours in the garage organizing stuff, sweeping, and hosing it out last evening and my throat and lungs were really inflamed come morning.
Probably gonna end up playing Tears of the Kingdom or 40K Boltgun in between cleaning my house.
Going to my parents’ to dogsit while they’re on holiday. Will be nice to chill with the dog, but I was hoping to get some time on my PC before that. Just got The Tenants from the Steam summer sale and enjoying it so far
My wife is currently pregnant, and we have just passed the expected due date. So quite possibly we’ll be welcoming our first child this weekend, fingers crossed!
Just the opposite here. This is my first weekend off (and it’s a long weekend yay holiday) in over two months, so I’m planning to sleep in, clean my house, catch up on Diablo 4 grinding, play with my dog
Live in Canada and going on a road trip down south to the States this weekend to visit family. Would love to enjoy the lake if the weather permits