I was looking at getting some roguelikes / lites (already have ToME, CoQ), unfortunately Cataclysm DDA is not on sale.

Krone Hotel at 90% off looks like a decent choice too. Then there’s Jupiter Hell, which I recently stumbled upon and looks great too.

I’d also like to get some of the FF games, though I’ve played VI, VII, IX and a bit of XII, it would be nice to revisit some of the older ones I haven’t played almost since the PSX era.

    • TopHat@compuverse.uk
      2 years ago
      • Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Refunded as it got cheaper during the sale - then got it for even less than the original sale price with the soundtrack on GOG)
      • Caesar 3 (Got that recommended along with my earlier purchase of Pharaoh + Cleopatra)
      • Deus Ex™ GOTY Edition (Literally 1 buck + I’ve heard it got a great modding community)
      • Lollypop (Had my eye on it since it launched on GOG - looks like a neat DOS game)
      • Yakuza Complete Series (Already got Yakuza 0 on Steam, but couldn’t pass this. Especially at the all-time low price point. Funnily enough, I believe these games are one of the first to use GOG’s new Steam SDK wrapper to make it easier to port. Denuvo was already ripped out before by SEGA, and only having to recompile the game once to point to GOG’s own .DLL probably made the release a hell lot easier than before.)
      • Hypnospace Outlaw (Indie game that’s been on my Steam watchlist for a while.)
      • Cuphead with The Delicious Last Course and its Soundtrack (Double-dipping because I got the base game on Switch and the soundtrack through Steam. But didn’t wanna rely on Switch emulation to play the DLC after buying it. So GOG release it is!)
      • True Love '95 (An older Visual Novel that got recently re-released on GOG. Seemed interesting enough to give it a shot.)