Hello! I’d like to write a script to download videos from streamingcommunity.estate from a given video URL, and to do this I need the m3u8 file url. Currently I manually go to the network tab to search for it, but I’d like the script to do this automatically. Do you know of a way to achieve this? Bash or Python if possible, otherwise any other method will do fine. Thanks in advance!
youtube-dl does something similar (it works on a lot more than just youtube). AFAIK each site needs a slightly altered code. You could have a look at the source on their github.
It might be as easy as forking the project and creating your own extractor.py.
I actually use yd-dlp to download m3u8 playlists, but what I’m looking for is a way to extract the m3u8 file URL, so that I can give it to ytdlp to download the actual video
I’ll look into the extractor docs, seems interesting! Thanks!
I sure hope they commit the work back into the main repo…
I doubt they would be able to. I was interested and looked around a bit. There’s even a whole chapter in their documentation dedicated to adding extractors. First paragraph of that chapter is basically ‘‘do not add piracy websites’’
There is firefox addon that i just found which does this. It’s called: Extract video link. Maybe look at source code.
I’ll look into it, thanks!
jDownloader might do this automatically if given the video url.