Modern conservative esotericism is just a bunch of millennial grifters grooming bored and lonely zoomers into believing a bunch of nonsense about satanism, Christianity, “meme magic”, and some shit from Himmler LARPing in his castle
The last iteration was “esoteric Hitlerism”, and it was a psyop by British Nazi satanists to infiltrate American and Canadian Nazis and turn them into angsty 17 year olds again who worship Satan
Modern conservative esotericism is just a bunch of millennial grifters grooming bored and lonely zoomers into believing a bunch of nonsense about satanism, Christianity, “meme magic”, and some shit from Himmler LARPing in his castle
The last iteration was “esoteric Hitlerism”, and it was a psyop by British Nazi satanists to infiltrate American and Canadian Nazis and turn them into angsty 17 year olds again who worship Satan