From a Marxian perspective, there is no ‘great man’ theory of history. Trump, Biden, Obama whatever. They are all products of the same material conditions, and are inherently insignificant compared to the structural reality that makes conflict inevitable. Remember, capitalismneeds to grow. It needs markets. It needs to sell off public sector and privatize, and Ukraine has been in the crosshairs for decades. US fomented a coup in Ukraine, and they sure as fuck wanted Putin to invade so they could make all that money in arms sales. Gotta understand the US is three corporations in a trenchcoat. There are venture capitalists drooling at the thought of a kinetic event in Taiwan knowing their profits will jump 1000%.
The machine feeds on blood. Trump, Biden, Hillary, don’t make a goddamn difference
Great man theory being incorrect can be taken too far. It’s incorrect to also say that individual choices are inconsequential.
Had Trump been in power, Ukraine wouldn’t have been confident of US backing, and so would have folded early in the game.
The broader centuries-long conflict between Russia / China and the western empire would have remained, great man theory being incorrect works here. But it takes it too far to insist the individual choices made by people with great power don’t shape global events on the scale of years or decades.
Like, had Gore been president during 9/11 then it’s unlikely the US would have invaded Iraq because that was a project for a particular political faction in the US. So individual choices can impact history a lot. But of course had Gore been president there still would have been games being played in the Middle East.
From a Marxian perspective, there is no ‘great man’ theory of history. Trump, Biden, Obama whatever. They are all products of the same material conditions, and are inherently insignificant compared to the structural reality that makes conflict inevitable. Remember, capitalismneeds to grow. It needs markets. It needs to sell off public sector and privatize, and Ukraine has been in the crosshairs for decades. US fomented a coup in Ukraine, and they sure as fuck wanted Putin to invade so they could make all that money in arms sales. Gotta understand the US is three corporations in a trenchcoat. There are venture capitalists drooling at the thought of a kinetic event in Taiwan knowing their profits will jump 1000%.
The machine feeds on blood. Trump, Biden, Hillary, don’t make a goddamn difference
Great man theory being incorrect can be taken too far. It’s incorrect to also say that individual choices are inconsequential.
Had Trump been in power, Ukraine wouldn’t have been confident of US backing, and so would have folded early in the game.
The broader centuries-long conflict between Russia / China and the western empire would have remained, great man theory being incorrect works here. But it takes it too far to insist the individual choices made by people with great power don’t shape global events on the scale of years or decades.
Like, had Gore been president during 9/11 then it’s unlikely the US would have invaded Iraq because that was a project for a particular political faction in the US. So individual choices can impact history a lot. But of course had Gore been president there still would have been games being played in the Middle East.