General question: is there a version of F-Droid that uses Shizuku or otherwise doesn’t require me to tap through installing each of the apps it updates?
FFUpdater has a Session Installer option that works with minimal prompts, both it and Obtainium support Shizuku. But one is browser specific and the other is a bit tedious even if you know what apps you want.
Dont install FOSS apps from the Playstore. Use F-Droid (F-Droid Basic if you are on an updated OS)
A personal recommendation is to use Droidify, it’s just a great F-droid front-end.
You can download the APK here:
Droidify is the best! Best performance and UI of all compatible clients, and even handles 3rd repos that wont load on others.
General question: is there a version of F-Droid that uses Shizuku or otherwise doesn’t require me to tap through installing each of the apps it updates?
FFUpdater has a Session Installer option that works with minimal prompts, both it and Obtainium support Shizuku. But one is browser specific and the other is a bit tedious even if you know what apps you want.
Droidify can do both: Session Installer and Shizuku: