I do use BitTorrent, but it’s never going to beat the convenience of just searching for a file and getting it when p2p networks first came out.
For niche stuff like 1930s movies sometimes I need to start a few torrents to make sure at least one of them has seeds.
I have had success with soulseek for music, but what do you guys use for other types of files?
P2P is great because when I’m using qBittorrent I can see all the suckers who are still using utorrent lol
On my Windows PC, I still use utorrent 2.2.1
Stop it
soulseek, fopnu, emule, dc++. For old/rare content, emule is the best.
Wow, I haven’t used the old school P2P programs in over a decade. I honestly didn’t think they existed anymore for some reason.
They’re going hard still
Synology’s Download Station introduced me to emule. I don’t think there’s a more polished client for it than DS.
Which client would one use for Emule nowadays?
for windows I recommend community version (November 2021). For Mac, aMule 2.3.3 (February 2021) and for GNU/Linux, mldonkey 3.1.7 (July 2020)
Any specific server you recommend? And is there anything on windows like mldonkey where you can search call the servers at once?
You could use the server list and IP filter from emule security.
Yeah, seriously, the most updated one for Linux had the last release a few years ago.
Just on your niche stuff like 1930s movies, have you checked Internet Archive? I’ve been surprised at some of the stuff I’ve found.
Yeah sometimes I’ll look everywhere else and it’ll be there. Has to be mostly pretty old stuff though.
ive been experimenting with I2P with tracker2.postman.i2p
Is i2p just a privacy guard to torrent over? Or does it actually help one find content as well?
its an anonymizing tool like tor, but i2p supports bittorrent while tor does not. theirs also .i2p site like tor .onion sites. also i2p is peer to peer while tor is volunteer run with the tor project managing the network.
BitTorrent is alive and well lol, and some of the top tier private sites opened their doors this past year which has been a nice change.
Still open? Links?
BitTorrent, ed2k/kad, Usenet, IPFS
So then the next question is, how do you pirate from IPFS?
libgen has IPFS. z-library also has an IPFS mirror. Basically it is no different from other networks, you obtain the identifier, add it to the client, and wait. You can also retrieve the content via web gateways. It may take a few F5 but it will work as long as there is one seeder in the open sea.
usenet for bulk current media, occasionally torrents for niche stuff, but now that rarbg is gone I’m going to have to find a new tracker. I use a seedbox for most torrent activity these days as well, too risky with ISPs clamping down.
Once upon a time I used DC++ for things, but that was more than a decade ago and the last time I tried it all the severs seems to be in eastern eu countries and very shady. If anyone knows a good DC++ server I’d love to hear more.
How does one even use usenet today? Sorry for the dumb question. I just don’t know where to start
I’d recommend to use a raspberry pi for an automated Usenet setup.
You’ll need
- an usenet provider (newshosting.com is reliable)
- a download client (sabnzbd, nzbget)
- recommended: usenet indexer
- optional: arr apps to organize your downloads (sonarr, radarr, etc)
- optional: Android app for sonarr and other arrs: nzb360
Once set up, it’s very comfortable and hassle free, it can grab new media from your fav lists, download when released and upgrade your files as soon as available, fully automated.
rarbg is gone
Is it? I heard that it was going down, however when i visit the site it still seems up, i can still get torrents, and all that. What’s going on?
You are visiting a fake one then, rarbg is gone for good.
Real one is: https://rarbg.to/
Why did it go down? What happened?
If you open the website, it’s written right there.
For the lazy people.
Hello guys,
We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all. Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare.
Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. After an unanimous vote we’ve decided that we can no longer do it.
We are sorry :(
Ah I see thanks! The website was not loading for me
Ya, the original site is gone. There are mirrors cropping up based on a db dump of some kind, but the old site is gone.
Between RARBG shutting down, and Reddit killing off their API, June represented some big changes in my Internet diet.
there are a few very out of date copies of the site afaik, but rarbg.to went down as of 1st this month i think?
My preferred network is ed2k/kad, but for new things bittorrent and then seed to both networks through mldonkey.
I still miss Audiogalaxy and Songbird. The latter in particular helped me find so much awesome music. Nothing I’ve seen since comes close.
I’m missing Audiogalaxy too. Met so many people there who opened my ears.
I recently started using All Debrid but been using RPnet for years with no issues then look for the links in Forums or get the torrent links from different sites and upload the links to RPnet for them to get the content and when they’re ready for me to download I just get from their site.
I’ve torrented for years, but i’m trying to diversify. Soulseek works perfectly except my VPN makes it hard for people to download from me, and i’m currently trying to get eMule community version to work but it’s giving me a few bugs. So haven’t had the best results so far
deleted by creator
PTP and BTN are good for movies and TV. BHD and BLU can fill in the gaps. I don’t think it’s worth it to pirate music or software.
Software could have trojans. But why not music?
I’ve given up on p2p. Too much risk and threatening letters from my ISP.
I made the switch to Usenet and private NZB trackers years ago and it has been great. Sometimes it may take a while to locate more obscure stuff, but eventually things show up. Even obscure made for tv movies from the early 1980s.
Usenet isn’t bad but for the same price I just ended up paying for a seedbox which is in a country that doesn’t care about a DMCA notice, is on a 50Gb connection and a beefy Linux server so it handles bittorrent easily and also serves the media via Jellyfin.
I do everything self-hosted with an unraid box and a decently sized array for my needs. Runs Plex, Radarr, Sonarr, and SABnzb along with a bunch of other stuff. Works perfect for my needs. It just hums along and costs me like $10/month USD
How much storage/bandwidth do you get for $10/mo? I’m getting 8TB storage, 20TB bandwidth and unmetered Jellyfin for ~$35. It’s a managed host but I can handle an unmanaged host if it’s cheaper.
I only have a 9tb array which is currently enough for my needs. I have uncapped municipal internet and fully saturate my 500mpbs down connection , consistently pulling 43.5mpbs download. I use atomic file linking so there is no unpacking of the file. It lives on a SSD cache drive until a “mover” copies the file to the array overnight. Unraid and docker containers work pretty damn well
Yeah I also have a home array that syncs from my seedbox’s array, longer term-cheap storage (16TB and growing)
The seedbox mediaplayer setup is for remote family. I have the 4k library hidden for them because most are not using 4k HDR capable TVs or media players that can handle tone mapping so rather than bother trying to get them to fix their player->display stack or transcoding the content for them (the seedbox provider does not have hardware for transcoding and you’ll max your account’s CPU time if you try to transcode using the CPU) I simply ensure that my 1080p quality profile is SDR and x264 for compatibility.
Honestly a vpn negates the risk of letters from your ISP, I’ve gotta bother to find another decent one now though since mullvad removed port forwarding.