I just saw this article about okx delisting Monero and how it dipped 6% vs the US dollar. However, it is recovering and if thats the worst that a delisting can do they are pretty bad off. LocalMonero and similar along with other swap services will continue to exist. In the long term this just gets us closer to using Monero as intended.
If no one is accepting Monero in your country, city, or neighborhood, then the fair price is zero.
Closing down fiat ramps is just one thing that regulators might try. Next step would be banning Monero wallets from app stores, or marking Monero as malware or state sanctioned software. Who would want to use Monero then, when the UX is worse than paper cash? People buying drugs can use Venmo and say that they’re buying art commissions or something like that. Or exchange gift cars by mail.
Sure they can do that if they wish to continue their bondage, luckily more and more people can see through the veil and choosing not to comply, eventually not complying will be necessary to survival
People are dumb. If they can’t buy Monero using PayPal, then no one’s gonna buy it.
By the time it becomes a necessity, all our devices will be locked down at hardware level, and running Monero wallet will be practically impossible for the 99%
Sorry I might sound pessimistic, but I’ve been watching Monero for almost 7 years now. Only way to make people notice you and start looking for a solution how to use Monero is a 100X pump. Nothing else opens eyes like greed.
Lots of MAGA and alt types are aware of CBDCs - Monero is the best tool to fight central control of finance. Many influencers are aware.
Also enough decentralised framework is there for wallet provision etc. I needn’t tell you but the more Monero is attacked, the more gooder it becomes
Then please, send me some