I started fairly recently (probably somewhere between nine and seven years ago; time isn’t my strong suit, cut me some slack) on Debian. Now I’m on Arch Linux.
Linux 95
I started because of ProxMox on my Server. I started about a Year ago with Linux Desktops because of Privacy. I wanted to only use it for Office and have a Windows Dual Boot for Gaming. Then i tried a few Games on Linux and realized that Proton is great. Then i only used Linux. Then i deleted Windows. Now i love Linux and Hate Windows
Datamining thread
4 months now, Debian Gnome. Its on a laptop from work. Knowing what I want and how to secure things they gave me local admin rigths on Win11 to convert the device to dual boot. Slowly getting to know my way around.
2001, I was 19 in USAF tech school in Biloxi, Mississippi, just bought a second hand computer from someone else in the dorm and needed a budget OS, and the local PX had a copy of Corel Linux for $30. I had no idea WTF it was at the time, I thought it was just some kinda cheap bootleg Windows or something. I had no clue how to use it and I couldn’t get any familiar programs to work, so I just paid another dude like $20 to burn me his copy of Windows 2000 for me.
Didn’t even realize its potential until later, 2004 when I got a civilian IT job. Now Debian has been my daily driver for ten years.
overall - only a few years constantly - just a few months on mint now. I find I get frustrated at some things that I believe should be easy, but seem super convoluted. I’m sure its the years of windows BS beat into me thats making me show my bias, but im learning. I want it on my main PC but figured I would learn on a junker hp dual core pc first. I’m shocked at the amount of things I can now do on it where as with windows, it was useless. Only thing stopping me from putting it on my main pc is gaming. Once I learn more and figure out a good destro for gaming, i plan to switch everything over.
For a while in middle school I would spin up Ubuntu or something similar in a VM just to look at it, but never really used it. The first time I really used Linux was Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi 2 that I got in 8th grade. As I went on tinkering with Linux, I eventually replaced Windows with Ubuntu on my HP Stream since it ran better, and by my Junior year of high school I was daily driving it. Now I’m using Parrot OS Home on my laptop and GhostBSD (I know its not Linux, but Linux led to me trying it) on my desktop
Just wiped my HP Stream and installed Fedora. Much faster then Windows
In 1993, a guy I knew had a Linux server running in his dorm room. I think it was a 0.9x kernel. He dialed into the University network and I was able to telnet in through my own dial up connection to the University. He was running Slackware.
Within a couple months, I downloaded all 30+ 1.44 diskette images and built my own Slackware server. In that time I used Slackware and Red Hat (which then became Fedora before RHEL became a thing). Now I’ve pretty much settled on Debian for servers and Arch for desktop/laptop systems.
I started working for a video game company in 2000. It was dominated by Linux nerds (including the CEO) and they indicated me into their cult. My first sister was SuSe, then Redhat for a while, then Gentoo for about a decade, then Arch, which is where I am now.
My last Windows “daily driver” was Windows 98se.
Lucky bastard. You didn’t have to struggle with the allure of the somewhat decent Windows NT based OSes following the shit show that was Windows Me.
I dabbled in Linux for a while (since 2009, college). I did some distro hopping for a while ( Ubuntu, opensuse, mint, Debian). I finally mained Linux after windows 8 came out, ugh.
I mained Manjaro and then switched over to Endeavour. I couldn’t be happier. My opinion of Linux keeps getting better and better, but that’s probably because I have to fix my parents computers once in a while. They run windows 10 now. I hate it. Ads in the start menu?! Kill me now.
Valve with Proton also helped a lot. Playing games on Linux is easy as pushing play. If I have any problems, I just wait for a glorious egg roll to drop.
Half a year ago I tried it but I have destroyed the system so bad, that even live usb wouldn’t boot. Few months ago I have tried again, seems in time what was broken before got fixed by itself also I stuck with it this time and love using it.
live usb not booting is a seperate problem
it got fixed by itself soo don’t care anymore but thanks for the answer