I trust the provider, and it’s a small amount I’m willing to risk. Just don’t want to throw it away, be frustrated, or get involved with shady people.
Android/Windows user, btw.
For those people who are wondering why I would ask Lemmy strangers about my money decisions, let me tell you my thinking.
I am in the decision making process. One of the things I do when making decisions is gather information from a variety of sources. I then weigh that information as to how useful I find it, research any possible leads, and use it as a launching point for my own investigation. I find that beats the hell out of googling whatever I can think up on my own in a field where I have no experience whatsoever.
For clarification, I’m not telling anyone else how to do anything. You humans live your life however you want, and I respect you as individuals with opinions of your own. Live how you want to live, choose how you want to choose, be how you want to be.
Much peace to all ✌️
At this point with crypto, you’re going to give away the same amount of information when you buy it on an exchange versus just giving your credit card details over. If you like the extra steps and hassle then go for it, but if you’re just buying porn well then, it’s probably just easier to give them your credit card
You’re buying pornhub premium, aren’t you? Unfortunately, I also wanted to buy something from a site that only took crypto as payment.
I ended up creating an account on Coinbase, which required a whole bunch of personal information from me. That was very concerning, but they seem like one of the few crypto sites that aren’t totally shady. It’s apparently a law they must follow to tie my personal information to all my crypto trades to prevent crime or something. After they verified my government IDs and bank account details, which took a day or so, I was authorized to buy crypto.
I bought the exact amount I needed. It took about 35 minutes to confirm the transfer, and only then did I realize coinbase takes a fee, which means I actually had less than I needed. I buy slightly more crypto, wait another 30 minutes for all the super cool futuristic cryptoblock hashing to be completed, and now I finally have enough crypto to buy that $20 thing I wanted.
I tell coinbase to send my 0.0000018364929038484920385 coins to xhfhfosnjwifbgnsoahdbfiaojdbfidhsbdmfodhsbd and the site eventually confirms the transfer after yet another 30 minutes of hashblocking.
It took me about 2 days and $30 to buy something for $20 using crypto, and I have never hated crypto bros so much ever for believing this is how all payments will work in the future.
Edit: I forgot to add that ever since then I receive a dozen crypto scam emails a day.
I almost learned the hard way if you need a special payment method for something it’s probably for a good reason and you should stay away.
I’m not gonna speculate on what you’re buying, but I’m afraid you’re gonna get involved with shady people no matter what if you’re using cryptocurrency. the entire industry is in the midst of a cascade failure thanks to Three Arrows Capital going toes up, and con artists and thieves are cashing in. cryptocurrency exchanges are using their own customers’ money for not-so-good purposes, stablecoins are rapidly losing their pegs, and it seems like a bridge gets cracked every other day. my advice? if you don’t want to deal with shadiness, you really shouldn’t use cryptocurrency at all.
Open crypto app on phone
Point phone at QR code
Press okay
Watching people bitching and whine about technology like crypto and AI while I just use it like a normal human that’s uses technology to make my life easy is fun. My life is getting easier, if you learned how to use technology instead of bitch moan and drag your heels. You know old people that can’t send a email? You’ll be an old person that can’t pay for your food in 30 years.
You do realize that you’ve skipped about 70 steps, right? OP needs to figure out what currency the recipient wants, pick a wallet app (most of the ones people recommend are god-awful), install it, create a wallet, figure out how to store keys for the wallet safely (which is really not possible), figure out how to add funds to the wallet in the right currency, pay attention to the transaction to make sure the right amount of funds are being transacted… and each of those steps has a dozen substeps, and requires research in an industry that is constantly lying to people.
… plus, OP did not say that there was a QR code involved at all, that’s a very odd assumption on your part.
You have to choose a bank, then you have to pick which credit card you want based on credit limits rewards and invest rates. Either go to that bank or install their app to activate your credit card. Then you have to store those numbers which are visible right on the cards and transmitted wireless safely(which is not possible), figure out how to pay off your credit card. Make sure there aren’t any fraudulent charges, double, fees etc. And each of those steps has a dozen subsets, and requires trust in an industry that is
constantlywait, never lies to people.You sound like a boomer that still uses cash and doesn’t know your phone has been able to be your credit card for the last decade.
OP already has a bank. OP has a problem to solve and instead of trying to help OP, you decided to act like a dick and just whine about how easy you think crypto is and how everybody else should think it’s just as easy as you think it is.
By the way—you don’t have to store your credit card number anywhere. If you lose your card, or it gets stolen, or somebody else manages to guess it, or any other form of loss or fraud happens to your credit card, the company will keep you safe. The concern with crypto wallets is that most of them are actual scams, if you install one from the wrong place you will lose every penny as soon as you add it to the wallet. If you store your key in the wrong place, you’ll lose your money, and if you don’t store it in enough places, you’ll lose it and lose your money, but storing it in three secure places is basically its own fucking job.
And that’s not even to mention stuff like death—death is a hard problem for most crypto wallets, because it requires you to trust other human beings with your payment info, and the only wallets that can handle that are social recovery wallets, which aren’t even EOAs.
You have to be a fucking idiot to think crypto is anywhere near as convenient or straightforward or safe as traditional banking and credit cards.
I buy street food with bitcoin using 3 taps on my phone in 30s, but go ahead and continue your anti technology theater. Nobody actually using modern tech bitches and whines like those opposed to it. Bye bye boomer.
So you either pay an extra 20$ in fees to expedite the transaction, you’re not actually using bitcoin but some bank equivalent where you never actually hold your own keys, or that 30s is impossible in my experience.
Nobody actually using bitcoin bitches and whines because there are only six of them and they’re all neck-deep in the cult mentality promoted by the hundred thousand other guys who pump the culture to maximize their returns.
don’t forget the part after “open crypto app” where you find out your favorite coin crashed overnight and you now have 29 cents