Guess where? Unironically r/Save3rdPartyApps
The Reddit search for Lemmy also gives these privacy copy-pasta as top results when searching for Lemmy. I’m still betting that Reddit employees are involved in boosting these posts.
Don’t go to Lemmy it’s founders are bad. Conveniently ignores the Reddit CEO who is actively lying and user hostile.
I’ll take the Lemmy founders over Spez any day. The founders like china, Spez likes slavery and jailbait, and has a doomsday fetish
And used to moderate r/jailbait a pedophile sub for pedophiles. Oh! That also added in the backend of reddit that he is secretly allowed to edit other people’s comments. Its also clear that reddit is saving all data that is deleted since reddit started recreating posts and comments if the user delete too much.
A lot of things we use on the internet were created by bad people, the difference is that this bad person isnt a large corporations and is taking real steps to prevent his own interference by making it open source.
“Everything is tracked and stored forever” welcome to the internet. Everything is logged. There is no privacy. The wayback machine is not new guys.
This has also been resolved:
Oh wait, this is a recent commit. Probably coming in the next version.
Whatever you think of the developers’ politics, the fact is that it’s federated and open source. So if you don’t like the politics of an instance you don’t have to use that instance. And if you administer an instance and you don’t like the content from another instance, you can defederate from that other instance. If the code has issues (which anyway are very seldom political) anyone can contribute a fix. And if the developers start taking the code in a direction you don’t approve of, you can fork the project and start a new version.
Given all this, the stuff about the politics of the developers just seems like an attempt to spread FUD.
I took a quick look at the developer’s commentary on that, where he refuted the claims and also pointed out exactly this. His politics are irrelevant to the users of an open source platform. I didn’t see any reason not to support the project on Patreon. I would rather have a wild west full of varied ideas and characters rather than a corporate pack of monopolies, that we know are evil.
I’m still not sure why would anyone expect privacy on a distributed public forum and how would this even work.
This has been resolved:
Even if it’s fixed, there’s nothing stopping anyone from running an instance with the delete functions turned off. Or making their own app that mingles with ActivityPub and uses federation to scrape data.
If you’re worried about that, then you’re worried about the internet as a whole.
I’m not worried about it. The “Legal” page of my Lemmy instance even spells out that anything posted on it is likely permanent.
I’m just pointing out that the issue being fixed doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t still a concern to someone.
Reddit is working it’s way through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. At first, Lemmy didn’t matter. Nothing had any financial impact on them. Now we move on to anger.
Can’t wait for the beginning of the bargaining phase on like July 2. :)
They conveniently leave out the fact that the people that develop Lemmy have no say in how it’s used. That’s kind of the point of the fediverse. And it’s open source, so if they go off the rails, someone else can pick it up.
Who cares. Do we really want people who buy into this sort of stuff here?
There was some news years back that compared data collection of apps on iOS (when Apple was taking measures to limit FB) and Reddit’s official app was found to be even worse than the FB app.
Oh no someone has a political opinion i disagree with! Please brush over the fact spez posted CP when Reddit was just starting.
If you’re referring to r/jailbait, that was there for years, well after reddit was just starting. It was even a promoted sub!
Reddit wouldn’t be doing its duty to stakeholders if it didn’t defame Lemmy or any other competitor.
The great thing about Lemmy is that you can pop up your own instance to be pro or anti anything you want, and no one can stop you (except your VPS provider). Why do they ignore this and focus on personal attacks, when their project is giving power to those who may disagree with them.
No one cares about reddit anymore.
A lot of people still care about reddit
It’s pretty hard to let go of a community you spent years on
Meh. I was there 15 years. I’m not missing anything by being here instead. Heck, I feel like here is the more exciting place to be!
Yeah this place is pretty new and it really does feel nice here (mostly) but I participated a lot in some of the communities I took part in. And those were usually helping newer people in those spaces. It’s pretty fun teaching people about new hobbies and also being that newbie.
It’s kinda sad to me seeing what Reddit is doing, but also refreshing seeing these new places popping up.
I’m going to do what I can here, but I think I will miss it at times.
But one will become a lot easier when the spam bots take over, Reddit shoves more ads down your throat and posts by crazy people don’t get deleted. Welcome to the new Reddit experience.
Makes it easier when you realize you spent years in an abusive relationship and were too young and dumb to realize it.
No one goes to that restaurant, its always too busy
Welcome to a new echo chamber. No one hear cares, but probably a fraction of one percent of reddit moved (so far).
A search for “raddle vs lemmy” also turns up a very spicy post from a couple weeks ago (on raddle) regarding one of Lemmy’s creators, not sure what to make of it personally.
I’ve gotten to old and busy to give two shits about someone’s background as long as it’s not pushed in my face.
If I come across racist, homophobic, warmongering, outright Nazi or tankie stuff among many other things, I simply block the person/community and move on with my life.
I’m not knowledgeable enough on the software to respond to these claims, but the great thing about open source software is that you can raise these as issue on Github and they can be fixed.
that link is a steaming pile of screeching stupidity and circle-je***ing. I… I just have no words.
I’ve noticed most people who make foss software are either communists or libertarians. I don’t really care about their political views because they are giving away free shit for not much in return and you have to be a little nutty to do that. If it bothers people they can use kbin. The cool thing about the fediverse is have more choices.
Good grief that was an intense read through.
Definitely seems like the creators are some real pieces of shit. But being open sourced means anyone can fork Lemmy anytime and make changes to the code. So if the creators mess with the code, people can just jump ship to a different fork. The integration with activitypub should make that pretty doable.
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Denying genocide is sort of shitty though.
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Sure, and then continuing to deny it is kind of shitty.
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The Holocaust happened. The Armenian Genocide happened. Manifest Destiny happened.
The Ughyr detention centers, whatever you think of them, do not constitute a genocide. The Ukrainian Famine was a tragic loss of life, and perhaps the Bolsheviks could have done more to prevent it, but it was not an attempted extermination of the Ukrainian people. And don’t even get me started on Rwanda.
And Liberals routinely deny genocide in Palestine and Kashmir because it is politically expedient.
A blanket reproachment of “Genocide Denial” ignores the fact that sometimes, a genocide is claimed where one does not exist. I’m sure you accept that “White Genocide”, especially wrt South Africa, is a conspiracy theory with no legitimacy. Why do you not give the same benefit of the doubt to China, or the USSR?
Fortunately, tankies aren’t leftists, since authoritarianism and hierarchy is necessarily a right-wing viewpoint.
Right-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable.
Left-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy as a whole.
Since the two instances run by the developers are generally pro-genocide and pro-authoritarianism, those are some huge sticking points for Lemmy going forward. Federation doesn’t help because they control the biggest instances and the development of the software itself. I wouldn’t be surprised if the developers invited more people into the core group and stepped down from a leadership position to avoid being a lightning rod for all of the ecosystem.
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It is impossible not to be authoritarian, if anything this case has been written about by Engels already. If anything this call to abolish all hierarchy immediately without any relation to material reality is bound to end up in complete and utter failure.
How does a revolutionary movement organize? How do we spread discipline amongst ourselves? How are we to know what to do? Where and when? How do we act when fascists take interest in destroying us? How do we organize local politics, then in a province and then nationally so that the revolution is protected from outside forces that wish to undermine it? These questions must be answered if we are to fight for communism.
Also! How does a stance on denying false accusations of genocide suddenly for some god forsaken reason make a person pro-genocide!? If anything on Lemmygrad you find people who are the first and most passionate at scrutinize genocides!
Next, Nutomic and Dessalines only control That’s it.,,, and are all independent from them! And in the world of AGPLv3 software it is impossible for a certain group to be a de-facto owner of a project. They may be the original creators, but the source code is out there for anyone and everyone to use, modify and share without end! That includes forking into and independent code base and making a lemmy alternative from itself. Lemmy isn’t inherently Marxist, just because the devs are. Lemmygrad is, because that’s what it was created for.
So if the creators mess with the code, people can just jump ship to a different fork.
agreed. a reddit clone atop activitypub seems to be an uneasy, but workable fit. there are many areas to improve upon, including baking in more privacy by default and solidifying the best use of the underlying protocol.
with any code from anyone, vigilance is required to ensure that the tool remains neutral. diversion from that means its fork time. the social interactions on the network appear to be “evening out” and, while some may call that gentrification, I think a social mix is required for success.
as of yet, I have not seen any sound technical argument put forward – apart from those related to the relative nascent state of the project – to put me off of it. should that change, then decisions will need to be made.
bottom line… political alignment (and even extremism) of anyone involved in the technical development process is mostly irrelevant when the social network is so much bigger than any person.
I wouldn’t call 1000 upvotes massive. That’s miniscule on Reddit. I’ve received 6 times that much on single sentence comments before. If you post something at the right time it’s basically guaranteed to get thousands of upvotes. People there will upvote anything.
I can’t edit my reply for some reason, but it’s hilarious that they’re trying to make a case for privacy, as if Reddit has ever done anything besides aggregate your data and sell it to the highest bidder.
Good riddance’s