Even the retconned mind control Tau are still by far the most benevolent faction in the universe, and better than actually existing humans in the current day IRL.
Like even their most muddled and uncharitable interpretation of communists is better than modern reality
i mean yeah, in-setting even the most oppressed mind-controlled Earth Caste factory workers probably never have to eat food thats mostly made of human (or tau) corpse starch, like almost the entire Imperium of Man does. and they probably never get turned into an overly-complicated doorknob via cyber-crucifixion for complaining about the taste of the corpse-starch ration blocks, like the humans do.
Even the retconned mind control Tau are still by far the most benevolent faction in the universe, and better than actually existing humans in the current day IRL.
Like even their most muddled and uncharitable interpretation of communists is better than modern reality
i mean yeah, in-setting even the most oppressed mind-controlled Earth Caste factory workers probably never have to eat food thats mostly made of human (or tau) corpse starch, like almost the entire Imperium of Man does. and they probably never get turned into an overly-complicated doorknob via cyber-crucifixion for complaining about the taste of the corpse-starch ration blocks, like the humans do.
pictured below: aforementioned human doorknob