Lenin’s definition is imperialism in the capitalist era. Prior periods of development had similar phenomena of groups invading others to exploit them for labor, resources, and wealth and send those exploits back to some core area. I think it’s fair to use the colloquial form of the word when analyzing those events
Conquering neighbors to establish relationships of tribute was extremely common across the world during the medieval period. Do we call that tribute a part of imperialism?
Lenin’s definition is imperialism in the capitalist era. Prior periods of development had similar phenomena of groups invading others to exploit them for labor, resources, and wealth and send those exploits back to some core area. I think it’s fair to use the colloquial form of the word when analyzing those events
Conquering neighbors to establish relationships of tribute was extremely common across the world during the medieval period. Do we call that tribute a part of imperialism?
I’m always waiting on the sidelines desperately hoping for the chance to yell, “mercantilism!”