The number of skeletons inside of a human body is statistically greater than 1.
Fuck, that’s a good one
actually, you’re forgetting about amputees and people born with fewer limbs. it’s likely less than 1.
Skeleton, not bones. Amputees still have.a skeleton, don’t they?
I lost my skele back in 'nam
Dang commies!
I don’t get this one…?
This might help
Skeletons, not bones
68% of statistical facts are incorrect, including this one
Unless there’s a lot of dudes with 3 it really is less than 1 on average.
Shut up before we start talking about p values…
p is stored in the balls…
Did you just assume my p-values!?
No, but I know what you LSmean
Let’s all calm down, and have some Chi at the square.
I’m partially responsible for this stat
So in other words I’m above average