Loved this game! The Stanley Parable meets a cosmic horror visual novel with fun voice acting. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did, and I’m glad to hear that the devs have this perspective.
It’s been sitting in my wishlist for a few months, I feel like this is one of those game which should be played when the perfect storm of enough free time + correct mindset happen
I’m glad one of my favorite VNs keeps getting good news!
Spoiler free is a big deal here. I’d say I ruined my experience a tad by playing through the entire demo.
Regardless, a phenomenal experience. I hope more people get a chance to enjoy it and I hope their other up-coming game gets the support it needs with this.
I did this with Deadwood. Played it after pirating it then a year or so later bought it when I had the money. I actually haven’t played my legitimate copy.
This game deserves all the praise it gets. The amazing voice acting from Nichole Goodnight and Jonathan Sims is what takes the experience to the next level. I support the message that it deserves to be played not read or watched.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I did not like this game because I thought the voice acting was really inconsistent in acting and production quality.