Hey guys, im now lvl 56 in world tier 3, and I’m wondering if at a certain point you guys start looting only the sacred items loot?
I always pick up everything and salvage or sell, just so I don’t have to worry about not having enough money or mats to do upgrades later.
I get the sentiment though. In World Tier 3 at lvl 55, your loot drops start getting capped pretty heavily in terms of stats. I was pretty much getting garbage loot, even if they were sacred, and I got to a point where I was just blindly salvaging all rares and most legendaries unless they had aspects that were right for my build.
Alright makes sense, seems everything I loot is worst then my current equipment!
I’m at the same level and experiencing the same thing. I’m guessing since we just hit endgame it’s somewhat expected for the loot to slow down 🤷 Just gotta keep on grinding to higher levels and nightmare dungeon tiers and the upgrades will show here and there, just not as commonly as when leveling to 50.
Keep in mind that aspects that roll on items are not always locked to a class, but the aspects you can get from dungeons are all class specific. In addition, rolled aspects can be more powerful; therefore, you might not always want salvage that legendary.
With that said though, I am lvl 59 in Tier 3 and I usually pick up blue and higher. Most items get sold, but unwanted legendaries either get salvaged or have the aspect extracted. At some point I will need to start salvaging rares again, but I haven’t had a need to since I previously salvaged rares to unlock new transmog.
Gold is super important… its nothing to spend 1 million gold in Tier 4 or higher re-rolling enchantment on ancestral item, etc.