From the worst comment of the year shared by @
I also support military action in Gaza (against Israel).
Was gonna say, an ideal world would have an intervention force start from there. Drive them out of Gaza and the West Bank then see how far you can get to 1967 and before, then extract some concessions and enforce terms one the red line is reached. Can’t push all the way since Israel would Samson the world at that point but you can kneecap them to a toothless fascist rump state that will eventually succumb to its contradictions.
But we live in hellworld where even if the American Empire suddenly disappears, the center of global capital will just move to Europe or India and continue to support Israel’s occupation (albeit that’s only if the crisis of America’s passing doesn’t allow a window of opportunity, and there isn’t a genuine anti-imperialist bloc by then).
I hope this person dies painfully
As a leftist
Let’s take a look at that comment history:
Oh boo hoo, just because you’re not in the middle class doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or is unattainable. I’m just a average guy with a regular upbringing, and even having made some poor financial decisions in the past I own my home, boat and car are paid off, even have a cabin. I’m under 40. Pretty much all my friends are definitively middle class, and the ones struggling all made really poor choices. Like I said I support increasing minimum wage by a lot, and increased safety nets, increased tax on the wealthy (and I don’t just mean billionaires), but all the “poor me there’s zero opportunity in America” Reddit mantra is laughable if you just step outside and look around for a second.
I ain’t reading all that. But yes, I’m 1000% sure you’re a right wing (slur removed) desperately clinging to some fantasy that things are so horrible under Biden. Spoiler: if things are that horrible for you right now, you’re basically a loser that would be sucking at life under any political party. Most of us are doing great, just step outside in literally any American state (especially outside of red rural shitholes) and you’ll be surrounded by people driving expensive cars, pulling expensive toys, from their nice houses. Sorry that ain’t you, maybe work harder.
Muh bootstraps
Lots of comments on r/joerogan too. Least reactionary “I’m a leftist,
” guy.
As a leftist who supports military action in Gaza
My entire circle is fairly progressive
Another liberal who doesn’t understand liberal =/= leftist
paid off my student loans early
cuck behavior, get on an IDR and never give them a cent!!
and who paid off my student loan early
The class dynamics reveal themselves every time.
“I paid off my student loans so we don’t need student debt forgiveness. I’m definitely a leftist btw.”
probably just a lib that likes to smoke weed
Cool then he can go join the IDF and go into Gaza and get owned. I fully support his right to do that