It would be cool if we had a self-improvement comm.
As leftists, we understand that a lot of individual problems are caused by systemic issues. However, I think that there is still a lot that can be done on the individual level to improve your life.
Most online self-improvement spaces have a reactionary slant and are dominated by the same type of guy, which is another great reason to have a self-improvement comm on this website.
I made a comm request here so please boost it if you wish:
Are there any improovers here? What would you like to improve in 2024? Would you like to have a comm where we can hang out?
Can’t improve on perfection
You’re my spirit animal.
I’d like to improve almost everything but I get paralyzed and disheartened when I realize how far behind I am at my age. Maybe a comm would be cool though.
I started music super late and I’ve had a lot of horrible curve balls thrown my way that came with starting late, including teachers who did not want to work with my lack of ability/newness/inmmaturity and an insane amount of student loans that I had to truly suffer to pay off. But I’m glad I still did it, especially now that I’m starting to feel my time and skill coalescence into something worthy. I’m proud of my journey, I have a unique journey and I know at some point that perspective will be useful.
Additionally, I think there’s an aspect/sense of journey that one gets that can’t possibly be felt to someone who hasn’t started. The journey itself is worth the price of admission.
In general, unless you’re talking about something physical like learning a sport, you’ll pick up things faster relative to people who are learning it at the socially appropriate age because you’ll have more life experience and better time management skills.
and better time management skills.
good joke
I’d be up for this if we can mix together things in a way that makes it unlike any other.
Reading, artistic improvement, personal improvement, physical improvement, emotional improvement, spiritual improvement, interpersonal improvement, all rolled up into one.
Spaces like this are usually super exclusionary, cis white straight, the “improvement” is usually only in one direction such as something like getting physically stronger when in reality some people might want a more femboy body or a more womanly body or a more androgynous body and the methods for achieving all of those things are completely different. An environment where everyone is comfortable asking about all of these things would be a good one.
Yeah, allow any self improvement posts that aren’t deeply problematic. Make it a common space for learning. We’re all united in wanting to be our best selves.
I agree with everything you said, let’s do that
My job has started to eat into my ability to take care of myself. In the new year I’d love to get back into cooking for myself more regularly, reading regularly (I read 50 books in 2022 and like 23 this year), and even just brushing and flossing better, but I really might have to leave the job behind.
The other thing that I’ve figured out with the help of a therapist is that my avoident attachment style has made it hard to lean in and be vulnerable in my relationships, romantic or otherwise, and that it’s too easy to withdraw at the first sign of tension or imbalance. I’d like to do better at openly telling people that I love them or want to spend time with them instead of keeping my cards to my chest in order to accomodate and mirror how they’re feeling.
Other than that I had a fantastic and exhilerating 2023 and mostly just want to build on it.
The megathread is the improvement comm if you post there every time you do something to better yourself
Been drinking about half of what I usually do over the past few weeks. Started reading some decolonial marxist theory the other day. Going to try and complete the Chunka Luta network’s “required reading” list. Choosing better stuff to eat. Going to try going to the gym in a couple months after the new year’s crowd dies down. Things are looking good, honestly
I am already a self-improvement freak and I would like to continue improving in many areas, including sleep, nutrition, exercise, reading, grass-touching and so on.
Some stuff that I want to do:
- I want to learn to cook more healthy meals. My nutrition is mostly healthy but I’m always eating the same few meals that I’ve learned. I also want to eat more plant-based food.
- have a regular sleep routine and read books before bed instead of shitposting in the megathread lol
- read 12 books
- exercise regularly and go running at least once a week but ideally twice a week
- touch grass more often and hang out with people
There’s more of it but it’s all pretty basic stuff
I’d say a lot of these are domino things. Exercising more makes sleep easier. Getting more nutrient dense food like veggies also makes sleep easier.
It’s already over if you’re gonna use 4chan slang and memes
It’s so joever
Same. Here’s my list in no particular order:
Get back to college, get some skills I can put on a resume, get friends and a gf, get a hobby, get abs.
In 2024 I would like to, in no particular order:
- Find better coping mechanisms when I’m stressed and feeling sad
- Be better at asserting my wishes and boundaries in a constructive and positive way.
- Be better at opening up about my emotions
- Start the process of getting something done about my abysmal personal finances and my mountain of debt
- Loose weight and get a healthier body
- Dress better
- Eat less junk
- Get our new place fixed up and build all the stuff that’s going to make it nice and cozy.
- Have a social life and see people on a regular basis who are not family members or work related
- Somehow manage my time better to get more leisure time and less stress.
All of these issues are intertwined and affects eachother. On good days I hope that improving one is going to make the other ones easier, on bad days I fear that trying to improve one will divert energy from keeping the other ones at bay, eventually forcing me to abandon my efforts in order to put out the fires created by neglecting the others.
I’ve already decided that 2024 was gonna be my year a few months ago.
I’m going to get my upper body drum technique comprehensively together, I have just a few topics I want to hit left: the one I’m currently on which is shoulders and forearms, then I’ll move to press rolls and then lastly traditional grip. I’m worried the traditional grip might take longer than I’m hoping so this one and the below might blend together.
After that I’m going to spend a few months focusing in on one drummer at a time. I’m thinking Max Roach, Art Blakey, Philly Joe Jones, Roy Haynes to start myself off. I’d also like to dig deep into Brian Blade, Kenny Washington and Ralph Peterson as they were two modern drummers that made me feel something when I first became interested in music. Some other drummers I think are worth investing into are Ed Thigpen and Harold Jones.
I also want to lose ten lbs and eat cleaner.
gonna be traveling from jan 8 until october so i’m prolly gonna lose a bunch of weight and get tan just from that. otherwise im tryna cut back on drinking and weed, plus learn to code™ so i can get a less boring office job if teaching english doesn’t work out
Death to America
I should probably stop vaping so much weed but also, i’m probably not going to do that
i also am looking to lick some capitalist boots and get a new job that pays more, i already started the job search. Looks like we’re heading into a depression so probably not going to find anything, but whatever, i’m gonna do pirated job training so eventually i’ll get a better job.
Hi, I am trying to kick my videogames addiction
As a g*mer, I cannot fully support this goal but I’m still wishing you the best of luck in your endeavor
I did that by becoming a game dev lol
how fast did you learn to code? Did you go to uni for it?
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Whelp, I spent years trying to learn arabic in a not really useful environment til I threw a sizeable amount of money at a specialized course and it works now. I could try art now that I have time to do other things, but it might be too close to g’ming and reactivate the addiction clusters, idk
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Oh, my friend just picked up a drawing tablet, seems like I will spend my evenings like that
I think I will just master arabic as good as I can, that is probably already a pretty big fucking task that will keep me busy forever
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