gambo succession crisis
Why doesn’t Barron, the largest Trump failchild, simply eat the other ones?
this pic is obviously photoshopped to make Barron look small smh
Treat Titan
Most likely Ivanka. She’s the most popular one next to Jr. and unlike him, she’s more diplomatic and not as involved in the culture war bs.
There’s no fuckin way he goes to jail, but if he dies… I don’t think any of them will really follow in his footsteps. None of them have the chops for it, and will satisfy themselves with whatever smaller grifts they can manage.
god damn that’s a hapsburg-ass lookin’ family
Barron for sure. He’s the prince who was promised
Don Jr. is married off to Tyrion Lannister.
Tiffany secretly pulls the strings in the family.
His older daughter most probably. Ivanka I think? First woman president of the USA! 👠💅
trump is the whole show, there is nothing without the donald
Don jr wishes it was him
Kendall Roy energy
A new high stakes season of the apprentice. The first task is to smuggle a phone to their dad.
Eric your fired
Tiffany as the dark horse. Everyone forgets Tiffany exists. Even the other Trump children.
The one in the middle
He has a certain something to him