If only he’d lived one more year… Just short of greatness.
If he’d lived another 352 years it would have been even more epic
i’ve screenshotted and starred this comment you will never escape it
Here I stand, cancelled by the left for my jokes. Do I get 3 Netflix specials?
we can double it if you make it about women somehow
What would’ve he done?
69 hehehe sex number hahah ayoooo 69 Bois it’s the funny number woooo
Are you fucking kidding me… you’re blocked
the goal is to live your life in such a way you get an obituary like this… so far im failing
TBF you got a lot of years left to go, so don’t be so hard on yourself
rest in power king
deleted by creator
Joe Slovo now has streets streets, drives, and towns named after him, and songs of admiration written about him, and is considered a struggle icon in South Africa. What does Bill Keller have? A Pulitzer prize for writing liberal fluff about police reform? Since he called Joe Slovo a “Stalinist”, I think this quote is only fitting:
I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy.
Reading his writing, this dude was plainly a revisionist