For instance, I have an aunt who is definitely MAGA, and is flirting with Q-Anon ideas. However, she has pretty good views on the environment and animal rights. For instance, after travelling to Ecuador, she donates to some Ecuadorian land trust run by locals. However, if you start talking to her about the border or gender, she goes full Orbán.

    • iByteABit [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      This is very common sadly, especially from people who have been fed modern econ theory that tries to convince you that the market is some autonomous mechanism that we can all control to the same degree and that it’s not controllable by the bourgeois class according to their interests.

      • marketing.

        the naïve view is of course that the best product will “win” in a market, but you don’t need to be good to sell. you just have to sell to sell. Who has money to pay for advertising? who determines what products are on the market and how long the warranty lasts?