I’m really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I’ll coast right through it. I’ll also accept “I don’t” and “very poorly” as answers
Many good things have been said. I would add that what give me comfort is that in the present moment, it is really, really hard to tell signal from noise. You often don’t know the impact of people or events until many years out. We often said in grad school that you can’t write history until at least 30 years have passed from the event. So, it seems chaotic and confusing because it is hard to for us to understand what it important and what is not.
The other thing is that every generation often sees the sky as falling in. An ancient Greek philosophy lamented about his parents had it all figured out and his children where going to ruin everything. That same sense of doom is pretty pervasive.
That is not to dismiss any of the real terrible things out there. Climate change is the big problem on the horizon. Nuclear waste is another. But I think on the balance, we are going to muddle through fine. The great blessing of humanity is that we are adaptable. The curse of humanity is that we are adaptable.
With some ways of looking at things, the world as a whole is getting better, rather than worse.
I’m pretty sure long covid and climate chaos will put a stop to that soon enough but we’ll see. For now, some stuff is getting worse and some stuff is getting better.
Who should listen to oligarchs like Bill Gates? Philanthropy Is a Scam
That’s a very relative and personal question. Because for me the world is getting better. Not everyone lives in the US, here we graduate university with money saved instead of being in debt
I find great comfort in history personally. Dan Carlin (a favorite podcaster of mine) always says we must grade history on a curve. Sure, to us it looks like everything is falling apart and existence is pointless. But by very real measures things are better than they have ever been. My favorite is violence against children has been normalized as being bad.
Within living memory it has gone from being completely socially acceptable to beat children as being the preferred method of parenting to people getting thrown in jail for that behavior. What does it mean that previous to 100 years ago all of society could have been considered battered children? We are extremely aware of the negative effects of violence against children and for the very first time we are seeing a generation raised in an environment that kind of behavior has carrots and sticks motivating parents to behave properly. Of course all manner of horrid things still happen, but I call it progress that it have become widely condemnable to beat a child with a stick or take them to public hangings. It’s a small victory, but it gives me hope for the future. That we may yet still build a better human being capable of taking on the heroic task of fixing this world.
Further, history has shown to me low points that I am glad to have missed. I never knew how ghastly WWI was. I am currently in a warm bed and not in a trench filled with mud, flys, dead body parts, with shells exploding constantly, seconds away from needing to charge out into near certain death. But my great grandfather knew that feeling. He watched as whole generations of young men were gassed to death and blown up uselessly. The numbers who die in war are less now. Still tragic, but less. Again, we must grade on a curve.
Death, despair, and hopelessness may be in 8K live streamed constantly now, but I assure you the analog version was something to behold. Not saying the horror of the past makes living any easier now. It is not to minimize your own pain. I just find hope that others managed to break the back of an unshakable world and hope for a better one while surviving a suffering I have not yet known. I am made of the same stuff. That gives me strength.
You kind of stole most of my answer! Thanks for sharing.
I’m going to address your question in two ways it may be read.
The world is worse than it was
I completely disagree, I think the world has never been better. Look back even 70 years and you have the threat of cold war, other wars (Korean War, conflicts in Vietnam, Cambodia, Middle East, …), much more poverty, starvation (China’s Great Famine), illiteracy, a lot more nasty pollutants that we’ve since moved away from.
To go a bit more US-centric, although much of this is mirrored elsewhere to varying degrees, you had much, much higher crime rates (possibly due to lead in gasoline), women could be raped by their husbands and had minimal rights, gay people were persecuted, black people were killed for fun (lynchings) along with other deplorable treatment, etc.
Right now you live in a world where practically all information is available at your fingertips at minimal cost, where most people will at least tolerate your presence even if you don’t fit neatly into their ideal world, where we’ve made a lot of progress on limiting and reversing environmental damage (ozone layer). We have more medical cures & treatments, longer lifespans, greater nutrition, more education, incredible entertainment options (Netflix, Steam, YouTube, etc.).
The world is better than it ever was, but the pace of improvement has slowed / gone stagnant
Yeah I get the anxiety, things do seem more unstable than they were 10 years ago. I’m super thankful to be living in our so-far-the-best age but I don’t take for granted that it can stay wonderful. Much of the benefits we now enjoy were hard-won victories that required hard work, and I suspect that to keep making the world a better place it’ll require us to pay it forward by also working hard. But don’t take it for a given that we’re due for pain and conflict; human events are too complex to follow simple narratives and it’s possible in 5 years we’ll all be relaxed and thankful that these current problems fizzled out.
Keep in mind that, in the USA atleast, crime is increasing and life expectancy is falling. The economic situation of the average worker has also been getting worse for a long time, which is more important than access to YouTube and Netflix
get into areas like solarpunk that hold out hope against the dystopia
Like so:
We can’t capitalism our way out of what we capitalismed ourselves into. It’s socialism or barbarism.
A lot of weed
Any favorite strains? I’m a glue and cookies fan.
I just accept our fate.
Humanity will probably realize we seriously fucked up around 2050 and near the end of the century mass migration will lead to a death count much bigger than WW2 or the chinese civil wars.
The only grace is that most of us reading this thread will die from various reason before the second stage.
I will still do my part by reducing my CO2 print but unless we find some miracle technology producing nuclear level of energy for the cost of a charcoal power plant, shitty world leaders and corporations will ruin everything for fake wealth.
Read the last paragraph on page 3. Things are not getting worse. Your perception of the world around you is cynical as a by product of our evolution and saturation of news/media.
This is 11 years old. There has been an objective uptick in white nationalism, going beyond trajectory to repair climate, consolidation of wealth, “inflation” inflated prices for less goods through record profits, irrelevant and biased unemployment data from gig economy and partial employment without healthcare, debt, renters, etc There’s data on every one of those. Don’t gaslight people, these aren’t feelings or biased perceptions. The industrialized West has the (massively significant and impactful) benefits of creature comforts from bread and circuses. But as those dwindle, a population losing their mind from the current level of discomfort (and snowflakedom) is going to full on implode. They’re electing autocrats around the globe bc they’re scared of getting injections, wearing masks, and the feelings in their pants when they look at sexy members of their own gender.
Exactly. Look at any graph from the last 50-100 years from live births to life expectancy, from crime rates to living standards: life is objectively better and better, at least in the Western world.
Stop feeding yourself with negativity all day long. Grab a beer, watch a movie, go hiking with your friends etc. Do this regularly without reading too much “news” and you’ll feel it soon enough.Burying one’s head in the ground is a terrible response. If everyone were to do that, nothing will ever get better. We need to be aware of the things we can change and work towards that goal.
Also, living longer is not always better. Go visit a memory care facility or a person who has been brought back from the brink of death only to prolong his suffering.
I do communist things.
The world is getting better in a lot of ways but this is despite the US, the primary state agent of death and destruction. What we can do is organize together against that while also building local class consciousness and support structures so that as that violent apparatus turns more and more inwards, our neighbors will be (1) less horrible to one another and (2) safer overall.
I unintentionally end up modding c/collapse
Can’t change it, don’t care about it.
You are tuning in to the Tragedy of the Week Show. Next week they’ll have another to show you.
Take heart. Things are most certainly getting better for humanity as a whole, on a global scale by measurable quality of life indicators, a tide that will soon raise your boat as well.
There are plenty of setbacks in many places, including great tragedies and terrible injustices. It’s also true that in a number developed nations like the US, mounting economic disparity and backward policies have significantly eroded the average citizen’s security and well-being.
But there are big sociopolitical shifts on the horizon that will radically improve the average person’s life. These are all but inevitable, because they’re ultimately bound to generational attitudes that predict the sociopolitical tides.
You can hasten these improvements by voting, organizing, and engaging with others. You can delay it by isolating or spreading defeatist sentiments which cause others to isolate. But it’s coming regardless. Even if you give up all hope and decide we’re doomed, the change will still come.
Please don’t give up. We’re not there yet, but we’re closer than we’ve ever been.