It really was the tipping point for me, solidified that yes, there really is only one party in the West (the capitalist party) and also that even a pandemic that threatens to kill and/or cripple most of the population will be met with the same half-assed non-solution as climate change. There is nothing that will make them admit that capitalism is a suicide deal. No end to their delusion. They’re a cult. There is no reasoning with a beast like that, so it solidified for me that the only way out is revolution.
I really feel like the left should have made a bigger deal about the shadow app shit in the 2020 primaries, I feel like the whole “we won’t make a scene if Bernie loses” might have been exactly what the Dems wanted.
It didn’t make me lose faith in humanity, though, it just confirmed without a doubt that, yes, the tankies were right after all.
2020 made me lose faith not only in this country but in humanity itself
The crushing disappointment that followed those protests was the cherry on top
Nothing will change
Nothing will save us
It really was the tipping point for me, solidified that yes, there really is only one party in the West (the capitalist party) and also that even a pandemic that threatens to kill and/or cripple most of the population will be met with the same half-assed non-solution as climate change. There is nothing that will make them admit that capitalism is a suicide deal. No end to their delusion. They’re a cult. There is no reasoning with a beast like that, so it solidified for me that the only way out is revolution.
I really feel like the left should have made a bigger deal about the shadow app shit in the 2020 primaries, I feel like the whole “we won’t make a scene if Bernie loses” might have been exactly what the Dems wanted.
It didn’t make me lose faith in humanity, though, it just confirmed without a doubt that, yes, the tankies were right after all.