Minimum wage: One (1) half-assed attempt at raising it followed by a collective from the entire Democratic party
Medicare: Costs slightly lowered from “ludicrously expensive” to “outrageously expensive.” Apparently raised the Medicare tax rate on incomes over $400,000 by a whole 1.2%. Maybe not nothing, but still tiny ass changes that don’t fundamentally fix a broken system, and still aren’t single player, universal healthcare. You know, the kind of system that everybody else has that has been proven to work, is cheaper, and doesn’t plunge people into six figures of debt for the rest of their (and their next of kin’s) lives.
Nah, I’m sick of trying to be overly reasonable about this garbage schtick liberal politicians enable and engage in
Liberal politicians always do this, instead of enacting something that would be massively popular and genuinely good, they do the most pathetically small thing they can think of to modify the existing structure, like increasing the existing tax on the top .1% by 1.2%. Then you get smug bootlickers who quote the White House website press release that it increased revenues by 50 million (for a program with a 500 billion dollar budget), while also explaining at you that it was actually massively helpful and wonderful for everyone, and if you don’t understand that you’re a moron and a conservative parasite. Or they try and explain that you don’t understand the government, as if they were the only genius who had a grade school civics class.
It is nothing but piss in the wind and I refuse to consider it otherwise
Minimum wage: One (1) half-assed attempt at raising it followed by a collective
from the entire Democratic party
Medicare: Costs slightly lowered from “ludicrously expensive” to “outrageously expensive.” Apparently raised the Medicare tax rate on incomes over $400,000 by a whole 1.2%. Maybe not nothing, but still tiny ass changes that don’t fundamentally fix a broken system, and still aren’t single player, universal healthcare. You know, the kind of system that everybody else has that has been proven to work, is cheaper, and doesn’t plunge people into six figures of debt for the rest of their (and their next of kin’s) lives.
Climate change:
In other words nothing fundamentally changed
Nah, I’m sick of trying to be overly reasonable about this garbage schtick liberal politicians enable and engage in
Liberal politicians always do this, instead of enacting something that would be massively popular and genuinely good, they do the most pathetically small thing they can think of to modify the existing structure, like increasing the existing tax on the top .1% by 1.2%. Then you get smug bootlickers who quote the White House website press release that it increased revenues by 50 million (for a program with a 500 billion dollar budget), while also explaining at you that it was actually massively helpful and wonderful for everyone, and if you don’t understand that you’re a moron and a conservative parasite. Or they try and explain that you don’t understand the government, as if they were the only genius who had a grade school civics class.
It is nothing but piss in the wind and I refuse to consider it otherwise
Can’t forget student loans.
All he’s done is forgive those who actually got scammed and for everyone else just redid the payment plan based on income.
I tried but court said no so I won’t try anything else