is just==
with extra stepsIt’s actually the other way around. == has to perform type coercions as part of its equality algorithm, whereas === does not, so == has more steps.
A few years back I came to the conclusion that the holy trinity in Christianity are three levels of abstraction: the son => God walks on earth and tangible, the father => God in heaven untangible but still reachable by speech, holy spirit => God in who knows where.
Then I thought that as a way of imparting the thought that any level of abstraction of the universe would also be inhabitated by God, those which we can sense, and those where our senses can’t reach. The idea that omniprescense is not only limited to our dimension.
I’m not sure if that is the original meaning but is a way of seeing it that I can relate to, since I’ve always been akeen to a more abstract idea of God, and not so much to a figure that praises itself of thought, which is a human attribute.
As far as I can tell, the doctrine of the trinity served political rather than logical purposes back when it was put in writing in late antiquity, and since then it’s just been the doctrine. If you want to believe, you just have to believe and not think about it too hard, like the video says.
0 == '\t'
? What?that’s not “t”, it’s “\t” which is just a tab. There’s also “\n” for newline.
It still makes no sense though
If " " wasn’t equal to 0, it wouldn’t make sense, but since a string containing a space equals 0, you’d expect the same to apply to a string containing a tab or a newline. (or at least I’d expect that)
I admit I have never dabbled in javascript, despite being a proficient programmer. I now dread to ask… would any string that contains only whitespace == 0? " \t\n \t " for example?
Yes, it would. Just like a string of spaces
" " == 0
, but it isn’t that bad;===
is Javascript’s version of==
in other languages, and, thus, you should be using it if you don’t want that wonkiness.==
is just for convenience, like when you want to make sure that the user didn’t leave the form empty and the button shouldn’t be greyed out, and other UI stuff. Without these kinds of features JS wouldn’t be used in so many toolkits.Ok, I always mistakenly assumed === was the identity operator in JS, too. TIL, thanks! As much as we like to poke fun at JS, every time I’m taught the rationale behind some aspect of it, I find it redeeming and even a little endearing.
The explanation given to you makes it sound like
was deliberately designed to be a more convenient version of===
, but what actually happened was that==
used to be the only equality operator in JavaScript, which meant that if you didn’t want it’s auto-coercing behavior then you needed to go out of your way to add additional type checks yourself. Because this was obviously a tremendously inconvenient state of affairs, the===
operator was introduced later so that you could test for equality without having to worry about JavaScript doing something clever underneath the hood that you weren’t expecting.